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Learning about language;Discovering useful words and expressions ;Find the word from the text for each of these meanings.;Find the word from the text for each of these meanings.;engine carpenter cartoon amusement eagles slide swing tourism;attraction deed fantasy preserve sword tournament whichever;sword;Discovering useful structures;Grammar ;Ex1.Compound words 1.roller coaster. 2.whichever; whatever; wherever; southeastern; indoor; outdoor ; craftsmen; horseback. 3.free-fall ; old-fashioned; word-famous.;Ex2.keys: butterfly; downtown; football; hardworking; kind-hearted; ice cream; lap top; life-sized; watermelon; worthwhile; worn-out; northeastern; earthquake; mobile phone ;mankind; headline; easy-going; homeland; passer-by; eggplant;3. Write out the original words.;4. Fill the table with the different forms of the words.;英语构词法(Word Formation);1. 合成(Compounding) 由两个或更多的词合成一个词,有的用连字符号”-”连接,有的直接连写 在一起. eg: wood(木)+cut(刻)=woodcut(木刻) man(人)+kind(种类)=mankind(人类) air(空气,空中)+sick(恶心的,晕的) =airsick(晕机的) merry-go-round旋转木马 up-to-date必威体育精装版的 life-size与真人一般大 ;2. 转化(conversion) 由一种词类转换成另一种词类。 (即一般拼写不变,但是词类发生了变化, 有时发音也变化) e.g. water n. 水 ---- water v. 浇水 dirty adj. 脏的---- dirty v. 弄脏 e.g. He went in and sat down. The army downed a plane. ;3.派生(Derivation) 由一个词根加上前缀或后缀构成 另一个词. 1)后缀(suffix) ①名词后缀 -or actor sailor -ist scientist -ment achievement movement -(a)tion preparation exception -y difficulty discovery ;②形容词后缀 -ful useful cheerful -able comfortable enjoyable -ed manned cultured -less careless fearless -ive active decisive -an European Indian;④副词后缀 -ly really extremely -ward backward eastward;2)前缀(prefix) 一般不造成词类的转变,只是引起 意思的变化 e.g. un-(不,或做相反动作) unhappy undo im-(不) impossible impolite re-(重新) retell rewrite mis



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