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成才之路·英语;English around the world;话题导入;(2014·天津市第一百中学第一次月考) A student is learning to speak British English. He wonders (想知道): Can I communicate(交流) with Americans? Can they understand me? Learners of English often ask: What are the differences between British and American English? How important are these differences?;Certainly! there are some differences between British and American English. “There are a few differences in grammar. For example, speakers of British English say “in hospital” and “Have you a pen?” Americans say “in the hospital!” and “Do you have a pen?”. Pronunciation is sometimes different. Americans usually sound the rs in words like “bird” and “hurt”. Speakers of British English do not sound the rs in these words. There are differences between British and American English in spelling and vocabulary. For example, “colour” and “honour” are British, “color” and “honor” are American.; These differences in grammar, pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary are not important, however. For the most part, British and American English are the same language. 文章大意:文章讲述了美国英语和英国英语之间的差别主要在四个方面,并说明了他们属于同一种语言,这两国人在相互理解方面没有什么困难。;1.According to this passage, a student who is learning to speak American English might be afraid that________. A.British people cannot understand him  B.American people cannot understand him C.the grammar is too hard for him    D.the spelling is too hard for him 答案:A 推理题。根据文章第一段第二、三句话He wonders (想知道): Can I communicate(交流) with Americans? Can they understand me?说明学英国英语的人会担心美国人能否听懂,而学美国英语的人也担心英国人是否能听懂。故A项正确。;2.American English and British English are different in ________. A.spelling      B.pronunciation       C.grammar     D.all of the above;答案:D 归纳题。根据第二段There are a few differences in grammar. There are differences between British and American English in spelling and vocabulary. Pronunciation is sometimes different. 这三句说明美国英语和英国英语在语法,拼写,词汇和发音方面都有差异,故D项正确。 ;3.What is not mentioned(???及) in the passage? A.Whether there are differences between



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