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【美文阅读】  唱歌是大多数人的爱好,唱好歌是所有爱唱歌人的共同期盼,本文给大家提供几则自学唱歌的方法,借鉴一下,你就能骄傲地在大庭广众之下一展歌喉了。;Singing is one of the best things a person can do freely.Songs are the perfect expression of joy,sadness,or love,and the best way to reduce stress.You can sing just for fun,or just record music as a profession or a hobby.To teach yourself to sing,just to learn basic skills in music,and have confidence in singing.Many people think that to learn to sing well,it is absolutely necessary to join a class or get lessons from professionals.In fact,you can teach yourself to sing in the following ways.;Use the Internet and get to know the basics of singing.Youll come across many singing tops for beginners on the Internet,which will give you a general idea about the basics of singing. Listening to professional singers is a great way to better your singing skills.Play your favourite songs and carefully listen to how theyre being sung.Its a good idea to listen to artists and musicians from different mu-;sic genres(流派).Sing along with the songs using their style,and pay attention to the difference in pitch or tone(音高或音调).Again play the song and sing along as well as possible.To get the best results,you need to do this with different songs regularly. In order to teach yourself to sing,its also useful to watch live music videos of famous singers.By doing so,you will understand how posture affects the pitch and tone.There are many DVDs of performances in music stores.You can get some DVDs on singing exercises as well.;Singing is something almost everyone enjoys.Consider these ways to teach yourself to sing,and with time youll know how to sing well. 【诱思导学】  1.What functions does the writer think songs have? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ ;2.How can we learn the basic rules of singing according to the writer? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 3.What is the passage mainly about? ________________________



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