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第三学时 Using Language Reading, listening and speaking;Task 1;Task 2;2. Standard English is thought to be English spoken by ________. ( ) A.Americans B.British C.Londoners D.news reporters 3.Which of the following is true according to the text? ( ) A.A small country has no dialect. B.As Americans like to move, they have a lot of trouble in understanding each other’s dialects. C.China has a lot of dialects. D.It is possible for people in the east of Guangzhou to speak differently from those in the west. ;Part A  Role Play 情景: 李平和玛丽在谈论美国英语中的方言问题。 角色: 李平和玛丽 任务:请你扮演李平,根据中文提示提问,请你的朋友扮演玛丽,根据课文内容回答问题。然后你们交换角色进行口语训练。 Q1:什么是标准英语? ________________________________________ Q2: 为什么人们认为电视或电台上说的英语就是标准英语呢? ___________________________________________;Q3: 世界上有标准英语吗? ________________________________________________________________________ Q4: 为什么美国英语有许多方言呢? ________________________________________________________________________;Q2:Why do many people believe the English spoken on TV and the radio is standard English? A2:Because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English. Q3:Is there a standard English in the world? A3:No, there is no such standard English. Q4: Why does American English have so many dialects? A4:Because Americans have come from all over the world and they like moving a lot.When they move from one place to another, they took their dialects with them.;Part B Retelling 用自己的话复述课文,你可以参照上述问题及其答案。 关键词:standard English (标准英语) dialect(方言) different from(与……不同) all over the world(世界各地) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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