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第二学时 Learning about Language ;Reading 1.As Victor Hugo once said,“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face”, and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin.(P18) 维克多·雨果曾经说过“笑容如阳光,驱走人们脸上的冬天。”关于这一点,直到今天也没有人能比查理·卓别林做得更好。 A.as “正如;像”此句中as引导非限制性定语从句, as 指代整个主句的内容。;即学即练;(5)I watched her as she combed her hair. 她梳头的时候我一直看着她。 (6)As you weren’t there I left a message. 因为你不在那里,我留了个信。 (7)Young as I am, I already know what career I want to follow. 我虽然还小, 可是对要从事的职业已胸有成竹了。 (8)Why didn’t you catch the last bus as I told you to? 你怎么不听我的话赶乘末班公共汽车呢?;(1)as 意为“正如;像”引导非限制性定语从句, 指代整个主句的内容。 (2)as 意为“正如;像”引导非限制性定语从句, 指代整个主句的内容。 (3) 作为; 当作。 (4)as...as达到与……相同的程度; 与……等同。 (5)在……期间; 当……的时候。 (6)由于; 因为。 (7)用于形容词或副词之后, 引导让步状语从句, 意为 “尽管; 即使; 虽然”。 (8)以……方式;B.up to now adv.到目前为止 Up to now we have already learnt thousands of English words. 到目前为止,我们已经学了好几千个英语单词。 2.He brightened the lives of Americans and British through two world wars and the hard years in between.(P18) 在两次世界大战以及之间的艰苦岁月里,他给英国和美国人民带来了快乐。 brighten v.使某人/某事物焕发光彩, 更愉快, 更有希望;即学即练;词语链接;选用上述词语填空。 (1)Speak one ________.Don’t make such a row(乱吵吵) (2)I am much better now. Only a little cough ______. (3)I found her difficult to understand ________. (4)________I used to go skiing every winter.;(5)At the time (6)at no time (7)in no time;词语链接;即学即练B;(1)content with your present salary  (2)to stay at home looking after her children (3)content ourselves with black coffee (4)the content  (5)with a smile of contentment;词语辨析:content;contented;satisfied ;即学即练C;词语链接;即学即练;词语链接;即学即练A;词语链接;即学即练B;6.No one was ever bored watching him—his subtle acting made everything entertaining.(P18) 看他的表演没有人会感到无聊——他巧妙的表演使得一切都那么滑稽可笑。 bored adj.无聊的, 无趣的, 烦人的 boring adj.令人厌烦的;用bored ,boring填空。 (1)I hope you’re not getting ________by my conversation(谈话). (2)I’m ________, let’s go to the cinema. (3)I had expected the book to be ________, but on the contrary it was interesting.;词语链接;即学即练B;7.He grew mor



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