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Art ;1.abstract adj.抽象的 n.摘要,文摘,抽象 vt.摘要,提炼 词语链接: abstract thinking 抽象思维 in the abstract 抽象的,理论上 abstract science 理论科学 abstract concept 抽象概念 abstract noun 抽象名词 abstractly adv.抽象地;难理解地 abstract mathematics 理论数学 abstractness n. 抽象 abstracted adj.分心地;心不在焉地;即学即练: 选用上述词语完成下列句子。 (1)Truth is________.(抽象名词) (2)Id like to see a show of________.(抽象画) (3)Can you make ______(这个抽象的想法) more clear? (4)Your theory sounds reasonable ________.(理论上)However, we dont think its practical.;2.Have you ever wished you could paint as well as a professional artist? (P1) 你有没有希望过和专业艺术家画得一样好呢? 词语链接: wish sb.to do sth.希望某人做某事 wish to do sth.希望做某事 wish sb.sth.祝愿某人…… wish that 希望……(从句要用虚拟语气);即学即练: A.完成下列句子。 (1)I do not wish ________.(一个人过星期天) (2)I wish you ________(事事顺利) in the future. (3)I wish today ________(是我的生日). (4)He wishes that he________(买得起)a new car.;词语辨析: wish ;hope ;她希望中学毕业后可以去国外学习。 I hope to find you in better health when we meet again. 我希望咱们重逢时,你的身体状况会更好。 I wish I had not gone out; I do not like this kind of weather. 真希望我没有外出,我不喜欢这种天气。 I hope all of my students will make a difference for themselves in the coming year. 我希望我所有的学生在新的一年里取得重大进步。;即学即练: B.用wish, hope填空。 (1)Janes parents ________ her to become an engineer in the near future. (2)Janes parents ________that she can become an engineer in the near future. (3)Painters in the Middle Ages _______________to paint religious scenes in a more realistic style. (4)We ________ each other the best of luck. (5)I wrote a letter to John ________ him a happy birthday. (6)I had to send another E-mail to my manager,________she could forgive me for my fault.;3.Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people.(P1)艺术受到社会风俗及人们信仰的影响。 influence作及物动词或者名词,表示“影响,对……产生影响”。 思维拓展: 观察下列句中influence的用法。 (1)What the professor said at the meeting influenced_everyone_present. 教授在会上的发言影响到了每个与会者。(influence作动词) (2)We can never ignore the influence of the climate on agricultural production. 我们不能忽视气候对农业生产的影响。(influence作名词);词语辨析:influenc



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