人教版必修三Unit4 Astronomy:thescienceofthestarsUnit4SectionⅡ.ppt

人教版必修三Unit4 Astronomy:thescienceofthestarsUnit4SectionⅡ.ppt

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人教版必修三Unit4 Astronomy:thescienceofthestarsUnit4SectionⅡ.ppt

Section Ⅱ Warming Up Reading-Language Points;1However,according to a widely accepted theory,the universe began with a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions. 然而,一种普遍为人们所接受的理论是:宇宙起源于一次“大爆炸”,这次大爆炸将物质投射到四面八方。 品味经典 ①When the police arrived,the crowd ran away in all directions. 警察一到,人群就向四面八方跑开了。;自我探究 in all directions =in every direction朝四面八方。 归纳拓展 (1)direction n.方向;指导;(通常作复数)指示,命令,说明书 (2)a sense of direction方向感 in/from the direction of...朝着/来自……方向 under the direction of sb.=under one’s direction 在某人的指导下 ②He has a good sense of direction. 他的方向感很好。;牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)汤姆朝一个方向走,哈里则朝另一个方向走。 Tom went off ________________ and Harry ____________. 答案:in one direction;in another (2)他在我的指导下做这件事。 He did the work ____________________. 答案:under my direction;(3)请遵照此药的使用说明。 ____________________ the use of the medicine. 答案:Follow the directions for (4)我看到一个妇女在黑暗中正冲我跑来,我还未来得及认出她,她就从她来的方向跑回去了。 I saw a woman running toward me in the dark.Before I could recognize who she was,she had run back in the direction ________________. 答案:from which she had come;2They were in time to produce carbon,nitrogen,water vapour and other gases,which were to make the earth’s atmosphere. 最终产生了碳、氮气、水蒸气和其他多种气体,从而形成了地球的大气层。 品味经典 ①They caught the bus in time. 他们及时赶上了汽车。 ②The storm was in time to stop before the sports meeting. 暴雨终于在运动会开始前停了下来。 ③If you keep on,you will succeed in time. 如果坚持下去,你们总有一天会成功的。;自我探究 in time 及时;终于;迟早,总有一天。 归纳拓展 ahead of time 提前,提早 all the time 一直;始终 at a time 一次,每次;在……时候 atno time 决不 at one time 一度;同时 at the same time 同时;尽管如此;at times 有时;偶尔 for the time being 暂时 from time to time 不时地,间或 in no time 立即,立刻 on time 按时,准时 kill time 消遣;消磨时光 take one’s time 不着急;慢慢来;牛刀小试 选用上述词组完成句子 (1)With five hungry children seated around the table,the food,disappeared ______________. (2)It’s better to ________________ at this job than to hurry and make mistakes. (3)She would surely lose her place if she were not ________________ for the meeting that day. 答案:(1)in no time (2)take your time (3)in time;3What m



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