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第三学时 Using Language Reading,listening and speaking;Task 1;Task 2;2.From Para.1, what can we infer(推断)? ( ) A.The writer’s homework was to change her life. B.The writer liked biology and chemistry. C.The writer was a middle school student. D.The writer was studying at university. 3.For what purpose did Lin Qiaozhi write a small book about how to look after babies ? ( ) A.It explained how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies. B.She wanted to make money. C.It was intended for women who lived in the countryside and could not reach a doctor. D.Both A and C.;4.What accounted for Lin Qiaozhi’s success? ( ) A.Hard work and determination. B.Determination and kindness. C.Kindness and consideration. D.Gentle nature and hard work.;5.What cannot we infer from the passage? ( ) A.It was not easy to reach a doctor in the countryside when someone suddenly fell ill. B.Many babies died because they were not cared for properly. C.Lin Qiaozhi made a lot of money from her work. D.People paid more attention to boys’ education than that of girls’.;Part A Role Play;Q2: 在她那个年代女性容易进入医学院吗? 她是如何进入医学院学医的? ________________________________________ Q3: 是什么使她得以成功的? ___________________________________________ Q4: 她把一生献给了什么事业? _________________________________________ Q5:她为什么要写一本关于如何照顾婴儿的书? ___________________________________;Part A Role Play Q1: What was Lin Qiaozhi do? A2: She was a specialist in women’s diseases, living from 1901 to 1983. Q2: Was it easy for a woman to get medical education at that time?What got her into medical school? A2: It was not easy for a woman to get medical education at that time, but her hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature got her into medical school.;Q3: What made her succeed? A3: What made her succeed was the kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients. Q4: What did she devote her life to? A4: She devoted her whole li



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