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第二学时 Learning about Language ;词语链接;即学即练A;词语链接;即学即练;(1)struggled to keep back (2)struggling with illness (3)struggle for national independence  (4)The struggle between the two teams (5)has been struggling for success (6)struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties;词语链接;即学即练;3.Yuan Longping searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields. 袁隆平寻求一种在不扩大种植面积的情况下提高水稻产量的方法。(P10) ;完成下列句子。 (1)The police ______(整天在周围搜查), stopping people and asking questions. (2)He said he _____________(找寻真理). (3)We_____in vain ____(寻找) the missing child. (4)The officer went up to_________ the murder. (5)Migrant workers move from city to city ______work.;词语辨析:search, explore, hunt, seek;词语链接;完成下列句子。 (1)He is thinking of (扩展生意). (2)The eagle (展开翅膀). (3)The population of China (迅速增长) in the 1960s. (4)You can (增长知识) by reading more books. (5)He asked his teacher to (进一步阐述)the steps of programming.;词语辨析:extend, spread, stretch, expand;即学即练C;词语链接;即学即练;5.Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.(P10) 由于他的研究,联合国在消除世界饥饿的战斗中有了更多的方法。;即学即练A;词语链接;6.He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture.(P10) 于是,他拿出几百万元帮助其他人进行农业科学研究。;即学即练;词语链接;即学即练;词语链接;词语辨析:confused和confusing;即学即练;(5)confused  (6)confused, confusing (7)confused (8)confusing;即学即练;一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.The question itself was________; I was________ by what she said just now and I didn’t know what she meant. (confuse) 2.Born into a poor family, Janna has a_______ for the top of the society. (hungry) 3.You are easy to get________when staying on the beaches in such a heating day. ( sunburn) 4.The teacher expressed her________ with my composition on “organic farming”. (satisfy) ;二、词语活用 用hunger的相关词语完成下列小段落。 Many people (1)________ food as (2)________is still a serious problem of the world. So scientist



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