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第二学时 Learning about Language ;Reading 1.Yesterday, another student and I,representing our university’s student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year’s international students.(P26) 昨天,我和另一个同学代表我们大学的学生会去首都国际机场迎接今年的国际学生。 represent vt. 代表; 象征, 描述, 作为……的官方或授权代表或代理;观察下列句中划线单词的意思。 (1)The bald eagle represents the United States.秃鹰象征了美国。 (2)He represented himself as an expert. 他把自己说成是专家。 (3)Our firm is represented in India by Mr. Hall. 我公司驻印度代表是霍尔先生。;词语链接;即学即练;2.After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.(P26) 在机场等了半个小时之后,我看见几个年轻人走进了等候区,好奇地向四周张望。 flight n.班机;飞行;飞翔;航空旅行;(阶梯的)一段;思维拓展;词语链接;即学即练;词语链接;即学即练 A;(1)The time is approaching (2)to approach the forbidden area (3)difficult to approach (4)The approach of winter (5)All approaches (6)the best approach;主语 + vt.+ sb.+介词 + the + 身体部位 常用于这个句型的动词有:strike, take, lead, hit, beat, pat, knock 等,如: hit sb. in the face 打某人的脸 pat sb. on the shoulder 拍某人的肩 kiss sb. on the cheek 亲……的脸颊;即学即练 B;词语链接;即学即练A;5.I guessed that there was probably a major misunderstanding.(P26) 我猜想这里可能有个大的误会。 major adj.主要的, 大部分的,主修的; n.(大学中的)主修科目;v.主修;思维拓展;即学即练;6.When Darlene Coulon from France came dashing , through the door, she recognized Tony Garcia’s smiling face.(P26) 法国的达琳·库隆匆忙走进门的时候,她认出了托尼·加西亚微笑的面孔。 dash v.猛冲,急驰,急奔;即学即练;词语链接;即学即练;8.However, people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.(P26) 但是,来自像西班牙、意大利或南美等国家的人会站在离别人很近的地方,而且很可能(用身体)接触对方。 be likely to do sth.可能做某事,可能发生某事;词语??析:possible, probable,likely ;即学即练;词语链接;即学即练;(1)In general (2)to avoid meeting him (3)to avoid punishment /to avoid being punished (4)to avoid answering my questions  (5)To avoid the city center;10.长难句结构分析 (1)They  shook  hands and then kissed 主语 谓语  宾语     谓语 each other twice on each cheek, since that is 宾语   状语      状语从句 the French custo



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