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Unit 4 Cyberspace;World Wide Web;Do you know anything about the history of the Internet?;ARPANET was started by the US Dept. of Defense for research. It is the original basis for what now forms the Internet. It was opened to non-military users later in the 1970s.;The packet switching of the ARPANET was based on designs by Lawrence Roberts (1937- ), of the Lincoln Laboratory.;The first international Connections to ARPANET are established. The TCP/IP Protocol established, and the “Internet” is formed as a connected set of networks using TCP/IP.;DNS (Domain Name Server) introduced to the Internet, with then consisted of about 1,000 hosts. Web traffic over the Internet increased by 300,000 %.;Listen and answer the questions.;3. When did people start calling the network the Internet? 4. When did the Internet really begin to grow fast?;Listen again and tick the words you hear.;Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. In ________, the Pentagon ______________ communications after a nuclear war. And in 1969 they thought of _______ computers into a network. And then people in universities all over the world began to use the network to ___________. They use it for work and _______ .;Discussion;;Listen to a telephone conversation between two people in Brighten. Which thing from the Internet page do they decide to do? ;Listen to the conversation again. Complete the Function File with words and phrases from the list.; Underline the stressed words. Hello, Mrs. Turner. This is Mandy. What are you up to this weekend? Oh good. Why don’t we go on Saturday morning? Well, I can’t …mm… I’ve got a music lesson on Saturday morning. Do you fancy doing something on Friday night? Well, I’d better go now. Let’s meet at 6:30, outside the cinema.;Make notes about what you’d like to do at the weekend. Work in pairs with your partner phoning each other. Making suggestions, accepting or rejecting the suggestions and finally agreeing what to do and making arrangements.;Example;B: On



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