北师大版英语复习课件Unit2 Heroes 英雄.ppt

北师大版英语复习课件Unit2 Heroes 英雄.ppt

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北师大版英语复习课件Unit2 Heroes 英雄.ppt

类别;常 用 短 语;典 型 句 式;.z x xk;; calm,quiet,still与silent用法比较: (1)calm平静的,沉着的,指无风浪或人的心情不激动。 (2)quiet宁静的;安静的,指没有声音,不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦虑。 (3)still静止的,不动的,指没有运动或动作的状态。 (4)silent寂静的,沉默的,不发音的,指没有声音或不讲话。 Be quiet,please.Class has begun.请安静下来,开始上课了.z x xk。;; fail to do sth.失败 failure n.[U] 失败;[C] 失败的人或事 Mr Wang is a failure as a businessman. 王先生是生意场上的失败者。;; be similar to与……相似 be the same...as像……一样…… be superior to比……优秀;优于…… be junior to比……年龄小 be senior to比……年龄大 This cloth is superior to that.这种布比那种好。;compete vi.比赛,竞争 compete in...在某一方面竞争 compete for...为……而竞争 compete with/against与……竞争 Will you compete in the game?你会参加比赛吗? We can’t compete with them on price. 我们在价格上无法与他们竞争。; 4.用适当的介词填空: (1)The two teams competed________the championship. (2)The man is going to compete________his old rival in the second round. (3)I don’t like to compete________you________our career. 【答案】 (1)for (2)with (3)with/against;in;; keen,eager与anxious用法比较: (1)keen强调兴趣和感情趋动的强烈性; (2)eager强调对成功的期望和进取的热情; (3)anxious强调急切中含有焦虑之情。 He is a keen football player.他是个热心的足球运动员。 She is eager to go to college,but anxious about not passing the entrance examinations. 她渴望上大学,但又担心不能通过入学考试。;; struggle for为……而奋斗 struggle with/against与……作斗争 struggle to do sth.努力做某事 a struggle between two teams两队间的拼搏 The poor have to struggle for a living. 穷人必须为生计而奋斗。;; “依我看”不可译成according to me/my opinions,但可以说:according to our teacher/Tom。 According to them,we shouldn’t have done that. 按他们的意思,我们不应该那样做。;; 8.The white blood cells protect the body________disease germs. A.from attacking B.from being attacked C.from being attacked by D.attacked by 【解析】 protect...from (against)使……免受……;attack和the body之间存在被动关系,且disease germs是attack的执行者。 【答案】 C;; divide与separate用法比较: (1)divide指的是把人或物分成若干等份,常与介词into



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