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英语教学课件;单词预习; 4. translate vt vi (sth into…) translation n. 翻译 translator n. 翻译者 5. transform vt vi. 转化/换 transformation n. 转化/换 6. joy n. 快乐 joyful adj. 换了/喜悦 joyfully adv. 快乐地 Joyless adj. 不快乐的 joylessly adv. 不快了地;; ;13. emotion 情绪  emotional 易动感情的;英语教学课件;1. Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. Others try to convey certain emotions. Convey : ~Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal. 用公共汽车载送旅客前往航空站。 ~I found it hard to convey my feelings / how I felt. 我觉得难以表达我的感情。 ~The old farmer conveyed his farm to his son. 老农夫将其农场转让给儿子。 ;;;;3.if we hadn’t run out of energy Sb run out of sth (vt) :use up sth Sth run out (vi) 他很快就把钱花完了. He soon ran out of his money. = He soon used up his money. = His money soon ran out. =His money was used up soon. Run常用搭配: Run after: 追求/追逐/赶 into sb 偶然遇见/ 与…相撞 away 逃跑,失去控制;请用适当的短语填空 The dog was ______ a rabbit. running after I ______ an old friend at the supermarket s yesterday. ran into My patience was ______. running out He’s always ______ of money and then tries to borrow some from others. running out ;4. tease vt, vi n. teaser n. 嘲弄者 Tease sb a trick / tricks a joke/ jokes laugh at sb 我们不应该嘲笑残疾人 We should not tease the disabled. play a jok on (etc…); ;;7. transform 1. The situation has been greatly transformed. 形势已经大大好转。 2. A generator transforms mechanical energy into electricity. 发电机将机械能变/转换成电。 3. A tadpole is transformed into a frog. =A tadpole transforms into a frog. 蝌蚪变成青蛙。vi. ;;transform 外形或面貌\性格\性质彻底改变等   shift 位置/方向的移动/改变 常用:shift from…to…。   ?vary 意为“改变/不同/有区别”,强调区别。 change v./n 指位置,性质,外表,形式或是数量与质量等改变.常与into连用. 1.Great changes have taken place since he left. 他走后变化很大. 2.Prices that vary with the quality. 价格随质量不同而变化.(vary with…随…而变化);3.The wind has shifted from north to south. 风向从北转到了南.


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