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必修③;;一、单词拼写 ;6. _________ n. 球体;地球仪;地球 7. ______________ n. 大气层;气氛 8. __________ v. 乘;增加 9. ________ v. 碰撞;坠落 10. _______ vt. n. 拉(力);拖;牵;11. _________ v.(使)浮动 n. 漂浮物 12. _________ adj. 温和的;文雅的 13. _________ adv. 因此;于是 14. _________ n. 原子 15. _________ n. 氧;1. ____________ n. 系统; 体系; 制度 ______________ adj. 系统的; 有系统的 ______________ adv. 系统地; 有系统地;2. _________ n. 谜; 难题 v.(使)迷惑 __________ adj. 困惑的 ___________ adj. 令人困惑的 3. _________ vi. 存在;生存 __________ adj. 存在的;生存的 ___________ n. 存在;生存;4. _________ n. 暴力; 猛烈 _________ adj. 暴力的; 猛烈的 _________ adv. 粗暴地; 猛烈地 5. ____________________ n. 基础 _____________ adj. 基本的; 基础的 ______________ adv. 根本地; 从根本上;6. ___________ n.vt.伤害;损害 ___________ adj.有害的 ___________ adj.无害的;1. Playing computer games for a long time is very_________ (harm) to our health. 1. 作表语用形容词, be harmful to 对…有害。 2. Their untrue comments __________ (violence) hurt the feeling of Chinese people. ;3. His answer to the question sounds _______ (puzzle) and we are all ______ (puzzle) a lot. 3. 位于系动词后作表语用形容词,前者表示“令人困惑的”, 后者表示“感到困惑的”。;4. As far as I am concerned, strong will, diligence, and devotion as well as perseverance are four __________ (fundament) factors contributing to success. 5. Few people understand that the _________ (exist) of rare animals is closely related to our life.;1. ____________下蛋 2. ____________挡住(光钱) 3. ____________感到高兴; 感到振奋 4. ____________突发; 爆发;5. ________________密切注视; 当心; 提防 6. ________________阻止; 制止 7. ______________产生; 分娩 8. ______________及时;9. ______________ 轮到某人;接着 10. ______________既然 11. ______________依靠 12. ______________结果;四、课文回顾 No one knows exactly how the earth began. However, according to a widely accepted theory, it began 1______ a “Big Bang”. Then the earth exploded loudly and produced water vapor and many gases, 2_______ (make) the earth’s atmosphere. And then as the earth cooled down, water appeared and stayed 3___ the surface. ;It was the presence of water 4____ allowed th



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