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Unit 5 Rhythm Communication Workshop Culture Corner ;1. Get a basic idea about different styles of music. 2. Write a concert review.;What kind of music are you familiar with? Can you share what you know with your partner? ;styles;1. What kind of music came from West Africa? Blues 2. What kind of music influenced the Beatles? Rock ‘n’ Roll 3. What kind of music often uses a big orchestra? Classical music 4. What kind of music did Miles Davis play? Jazz 5. Why are these names of music styles less important to musicians today? They have become mixed.;1. reaction n. 反应,回应 What was his reaction to the news? 他对这消息有何反应? 【拓展】 in reaction to 对……反应 react v. 反应;起反应 react against sb./sth. 对某事物有影响,与某事物产生化 学反应 react to 对……作出反应 The changes were not in reaction to the company’s recent losses.这些变化没有反应的公司最近损失。;【即学即练】;2. responsible adj. 应负责任的;有责任心的;可信赖的 Who is responsible for this mess?是谁弄得这么乱? Our teacher is a very responsible person. 我们的老师是一个非常可靠的人。 【拓展】 responsibly adv. 明事理地;可信赖地 responsibility n. 责任 be responsible for sth. 对……负责;归功(咎)于…… be responsible to sb.对某人负责 responsibly adv.负责地,可靠地 irresponsible adj.不负责任的;;【即学即练】;3. permission n.许可,同意 The teacher gave me permission to go home early. 老师允许我早点回家。 They went into the room without permission. 他们未经许可就进入了房间。 【拓展】 ask for permission 请求许可 give sb. permission 许可某人 with one’s permission 在某人许可的情况下 without permission 未经许可 permit v. 许可,准许 permit doing sth. 允许做某事 permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事;【即学即练】;4.as with 与……一样;正如;;;5.in between在两者之间 ;进退两难 ;【即学即练】; 【Class Test】 1.Her parents reacted ____ the news calmly. A. with B. on C. to D. upon 【解析?? 选C。 句意为:她父母对这件事的反应很平静。 react to sth. 对某事作出反应。 2. There is no doubt that our monitor is ____ f



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