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摘要  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II KTV点歌系统的设计与实现 摘要 随着现如今经济文化水平的显著提高,人们对生活质量及工作环境的要求也越来越高。同时,随着生活节奏的加快,每个人都处于忙碌繁乱的社会当中,不论是在家庭,工作场所,或是学校中,无时无刻充满着生活和学习上的压力。在工作之余,找到一种能够缓解压力,释放疲劳的娱乐方式,已成为大家共同的愿望。然而,受到工作条件和时间的限制,越来越多的人们选择了去KTV唱唱歌,跳跳舞。因为去KTV既方便省事,又能更好更快地愉悦心情。 为了满足广大消费者的需求,进一步完善和加快娱乐业管理信息化进程,针对我国娱乐业的特点和需求,结合以往娱乐软件的开发经验,以娱乐业管理科学化规范化为出发点,开发了这一个具有实用性、高效性、功能划分细致及较高的灵活性和可扩充性的KTV点歌系统。 论文详细论述了系统总体设计思想、数据库设计以及功能模块设计等,给出了自动点歌系统一般流程。该系统主要包括:按拼音点歌、按数字点歌、按歌名点歌、按歌星点歌等四大点歌模块。 关键词:娱乐;自动点歌;模块 ABSTRACT The design and implementation of the KTV classics system ABSTRACT Now with economic and cultural level of the improved significantly and people to the quality of life and working environment request more and more is also high. At the same time, along with the speeding up of the pace of life, everyone in the society of busy, both in the family, the workplace, or school, always full of life and the pressure in study. In the interim, find a can relieve pressure, release fatigue of entertainment, has become a common desire. However, by working conditions and time limit, more and more people chose to the KTV sing sing and dance. Because to the KTV, which is convenient for save trouble, and can better and faster cheerful mood. In order to meet the needs of the consumers, to further improve the entertainment industry and to speed up the process of information management, in view of the characteristics and needs of the entertainment industry, combining with the development of the entertainment software past experience, with the scientific management of the entertainment industry standardization as the starting point, the development of this is practical, high efficiency, functional division meticulous and high flexibility and scalability of KTV the song system. Paper discusses the overall design thought, system function module design database design, and etc, and gives the general flow system to the song. The system mainly include: the pinyin, according to the song, according to the title song di


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