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Speaking writing;Translate the following into English. Ex. 2 (page 63);1.?裁判把奖金颁给赢得比赛的自行车选手,并向他祝贺。(judge; congratulation; cyclist) The judge gave a prize and his congratulations to the cyclist who won the competition. 2. 那本书的标题是:“葬身海底的船只”。(title; bury; bottom) ?The title of that book is The Ship Buried at the Bottom of the Sea.;3.?被困在煤矿里两天的矿工们最后得到了营救。(mine; miner; rescue) The miners who had been trapped in the mine for two days were finally rescued. 4.?记者意识到女孩很害怕,而且尽力地回避问题。(reporter; frightened) The reporter realized that the girl who was so frightened was trying to avoid the question. ;5.?大火摧毁了离这儿四个街区的两个商店。(destroy; block) The fire destroyed two shops which are about four blocks from here. 6.?气球突然爆炸,我们大吃一惊。(burst; shock) The balloon burst suddenly and we were shocked by it. ;7.?我无法表达我现在的感觉。(express) I can’t express how I feel/ I am feeling at the moment. 8. 他拒绝谈起那场灾难带给他的痛苦。(suffering; disaster) He refused to talk about the sufferings he had during the disaster. 9. 每天早晨起床,他都会快速浏览一下报纸上的新闻标题。(wake up; headline);When he wakes up every morning, he will read the headlines in the newspaper very quickly.;Speaking task on Page 67;In pairs you are to choose eight things from the list below to put into your personal earthquake bag. Make sure that you only take essential things with you. They must last you five days.;personal washing things;umbrella;personal washing things;Possible sample;S1: Yes, they sound good choices. I also think we need a torch, a mobile phone and a blanket. Another one? S2: OK. But now we have difficulties. I would like food and sweets. We’ll really need food if we’re to be on our own for five days before rescue comes. S1: No, I don’t agree. Food and sweets is a good idea but the medicine would also be very useful.;S2: I agree. So we have to choose whether to take the food and sweets and the medicine to make our eight items. S1: OK. Now, let’s make the list: water, candles, money and personal washing things, food a



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