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Common?;;I Pre-reading;;;;Anne’s father : Otto Frank; After the German invasion (侵略) of 1940, Anne was forced to leave her school. Almost right away, the Gestapo (盖世太保) began to send thousands of Dutch resisters(反抗者) to slave labour camps in Germany. Then in February 1941 the Gestapo began to arrest Jews. It was at this moment that Otto Frank made plans to hide his family.;They moved to Amsterdam, Netherlands ;They stayed on the top floor, with curtains drawn so as not to attract unwanted attention. ; Peter was forced into a long march from the camp where he disappeared. When Margot died in March, 1945, Anne probably lose her desire to live. She died just before her 16th birthday and less than a month before the surviving Jews were liberated.;Scanning ;Now observe the text carefully to find out: how many parts it contains what the different parts are about;What did she do? Why did she do that way? How did she enjoy herself?;1. listen to the diary to find out the main idea of the diary.;2. According to the diary to fill in the table.;Anne kept a diary because She felt very lonely because They have to hide because Anne named her diary Kitty because ; During World War II, Anne and her family had to away because they were______.They had hidden away for nearly_____ months_______they were__________.During that time, Anne was very_______and the only true______was her______, so she kept a diary every day so that she could tell___________to it. After being indoors for so long, she was very____ about everything to do with ______.Sometimes she stayed______on__________until half eleven in _______ to have a good_______ at the_______ . ; Suppose you have to stay indoors to hide yourself for a whole year. You can never go outdoors, otherwise you will be killed. You have no telephone, computer, or TV at home.


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