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Health Benefits of Cranberries 蔓越莓的健康益处;How eating cranberries benefits our health, especially if we start when we are young 食用蔓越莓(尤其是从年轻时就开始食用)对健康有哪些益处? ;Range of function 功能范围 ;How to maintain health? 如何保持健康?;Pharmaceutical Drugs 药品 Can have toxic side effects 可能会有毒副作用 Over-use causes antibiotic resistance 过度使用会导致产生抗生素耐药性 Can be expensive 可能价格昂贵;Functional Foods 功能性食品 Whole food is consumed – benefit from mixture of phytochemicals 食用天然食品,富含多种植物化学物。 Nutraceutical effects (beyond basic nutrition) 除了基本营养之外,还具有保健品效果 Less chance of toxic overdose 降低过量摄入有毒物质的可能性 Often less expensive 往往价格更为低廉;Cranberries 蔓越莓 An Original Functional Food 一种原始的功能性食品;;;Proanthocyanidins 原花青素 Tannins丹宁酸;Cranberries Considered one of the healthiest fruits 蔓越莓是公认的最为健康的水果之一 Why? 这是为什么呢? Many different plant compounds 它含有许多不同的植物化合物 Numerous scientific studies and clinical trials 已经得到大量科学研究和临床试验证实; Health Benefits of Cranberry 蔓越莓的健康益处 Antioxidant/Anti-inflammatory 可以抗氧化/抗发炎 Heart health有益于心脏健康 Anti-cancer可以防癌 Anti-Bacterial 可以抗菌 Stomach ulcers防止胃溃疡 Urinary tract health有益于尿路的健康 ; ;Aging and disease are influenced by a process called Oxidation 人们之所以会衰老和患上疾病是因为受到了氧化这一过程的影响;Damaging molecules called OXIDANTS (Free Radicals) 对身体造成破坏的分子称为氧化剂(自由基) Attack our bodies Like bullets in our blood streams Cause cell damage, disease, aging 氧化剂在我们的血液流动中像子弹一样攻击我 们的身体,导致细胞损伤、疾病、衰老。 ;Cigarette Smoking 吸烟;Metabolic Syndrome 代谢综合征 25% of US and 15% of Chinese have it! 25%的美国人和15%的中国人均患有代谢综合征!;Physical incapacity 丧失劳动能力;China 中国 Economic development has led to: 经济发展已经导致: Older more sedentary population 人口老龄化、缺少运动 Increases in obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome similar to US and Europe 像美国和欧洲一样,肥胖、糖尿病和代谢综合征的患者数量上升 Unprecedented rise in the incidence of heart disease 心脏疾病的发病率出现前所未有的大幅上升 Rates predicted to rise over 50% in the next 20 years 据预计,在未来的20年,物价上涨幅度将超过50% Chinese less likely to be


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