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To learn some important new words and phrases. 2. To learn the passage by skimming, scanning and careful reading. 3. To learn sth. about different festivals and celebrations around the world.;丰收 n v 饿死 v. 起源,由来 n. 祖先,祖宗 n. 信仰,信任 n. 6. 宗教上的,信奉宗教的 adj. 7. 纪念,追念 (phr) 8. 搞恶作剧,开玩笑 (phr) 9. to get or achieve sth you want or need v. 10.to look at sth and think how beautiful it is v. 11. be active and full of energy adj. 12. to be excited and pleased about sth that is going to happen (phr): 13. to wear special clothes for fun (phr) : ; Different cultures and traditions have different festivals!;A quiz ;Festivals of all kinds have many________: some ________, some ________, some for special _________________.;Kinds of festivals;Para2;Are harvest festivals always happy events? Why or why not ? ;;;Discussion;Which festival do you think is the most fun? Why? Which festival are you most interested in? Why? ;What and when did ancient people celebrate ?; Obon(盂兰盆节) ----is an annual Buddhist (佛教徒) festival , which takes place in July or August in Japan. People hang lanterns in front of their houses and float paper lanterns on the river in order to guide their ancestors spirits . ;Obon;


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