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人教课标版  高二 选修6 Unit 2;Reading ;一首诗 a poem;2. Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. ;; 3. Others try to convey certain emotion. Some … others…/One… the other (s) …常常以固定的搭配形式出现;1) convey: to make ideas, feelings, etc, known to sb.;2). emotion 情绪  emotional 易动感情的;4. …are still a common type of children’s poetry. ;common diseases usual time normal temperature normal state (状态) usual work common spelling mistakes  ;5….they delight small children because…;2) v. 使欢喜, 使高兴, 使快乐 他讲的笑话使大家很开心。 _______________________________. 习惯搭配: delight +n.+(with+n) 以……逗人高 兴 e.g.他时常以魔术逗他的小孩高兴。 ______________________________________. 习惯搭配: delight+in +n. 喜欢…… e.g. 那个老人喜欢听爵士乐。 __________________________________.;6. We would have won if Jack had scored that goal. score v. 得分 1) to win points or goals in a game or a competition Yao Ming scored 23 points in the first quarter. 2) gain marks in an exam; She scored 98 out of 100.;7. We would have won if we hadn’t taken it easy. 1) relax and avoid working too hard 松散,松懈 2) used to tell a person not to worry.放心别着急;1) We would have won if we hadn’t taken it easy. __________________________________。 2) 今天你做的工作足够了,现在休息一小时. You have done quite enough work for today; __________________________. The doctor said that Bob would have to take things easy for a while after he had his tonsils (扁桃体) out. ;______________________________。 坐下,放松 _____________________;8. if we hadn’t run out of energy. 被用完,耗尽 I have run out of money. My money has run out. run out of patience;2) 我们剩下的时间不多了。;;[考点1] if引导的虚拟条件句与过去事实相反,从句的谓语用“had +过去分词”,主句的谓语用“would / should / could / might + have +过去分词”。 [考例1] _____ he had not hurt his leg, John would have won the race. (2007全国卷II) A. If


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