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From simplicity to sophistication: The work of ZHANG LEI;文章结构; ; Education and experience Zhang Lei studied architecture together with WangShu for seven years between 1981 and 1988 in Nanjingat the Institute of Technology, which was renamed([?ri:?ne?m] 改名) in Southeast University in 1988. The school is one of leading in stitutions in architectural education in China.The department was founded in the late 1920s and the first generation of modern architects laid the foundation for the educational program. Among them were Tong Jun (1900-1983), Yang Tingbao (1901-1982) and Liu Dunzhen (1897-1968). The idea of architecture they established before World War II was based in.Beaux Arts methodology((meθ??d?l?d?i 方法) and the search for a contemporary(当代的) Chinese architectural style.;LIU DUNZHEN;But even in1950s with the new influence from Soviet Stalinist Beaux Arts traditions, the architectural conception was also based on rationality of the plan and the search for identity in the mass society. The real break in development came with the Great Cultural Revolution between 1966 and 1976 with the closing of the universities and the total ideological([?a?di:??l?d??k?l, ??di:-]意识形态的 ) orientation in all fields of life. With opening up in the economy in the late 1970s, education restarted on the basis from the early 1960s and was fully disconnected([?d?sk??nekt?d]切断;不连贯的) to the global development. After the Cultural Revolution,new publications by Tong Jun about the Modern Movement in the West, including German Werkbund,Bauhaus, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Jorn Utzon and Buckminster Fuller, became important sources for the education of young students.;Tong had visited Europe in the 1920s after his education at Pennsylvania State University in the USA. In 1970s he was one of the few, who had first hand experience about the revolutionary developments in Europe in the early part of 20th century. But Chinese students in the 1930s, 1950s and 1980s had to learn hand dra


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