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Module 3 Language Points;vary vi. 不同; 改变; 变化 vary in在…方面不同; vary with随着…而变化; vary from不同于……; vary from ... to ... 由…到…情况不等; vt. 变更; 使变化。;1) The colours of tree leaves vary with the season. 树叶的颜色随着季节的变化而改变。 2) Ticket prices vary from one airline to another. 机票的价格在不同的航空公司之间有 差别。 3) The doctor tries to vary the patient’s diet. 医生试图调整病人的饮食。 ;【链接】 variable adj. 可变的;变化无常的 various adj. 各种各样的;不同的 varied adj. 不同的, 各式各样的 variety n. 多样化,种类 variation n. 变化;【即学即练】 1. 这些花的颜色和大小都不相同,但都很 漂亮。 The flowers ____ __ _____ ____ ____ but all of them are beautiful. 2. 这家宾馆每个房间的费用由20美元到30 美元不等。 The charge for a room in this hotel _____ _________ $20 and $30.;3. 一般来说,水果和蔬菜的价格随季 节变化而变化。 Generally speaking, prices of fruit and vegetables _____ _____ the season.;spread vt. 铺开;展开;伸开。 vi. 伸展,延伸;传播,传开; 蔓延, 传染。 n. 传播,传布。 【拓展】 spread out 张开;伸开;铺开。如: He spread out his hands and found the coin had been gone. 他伸开手发现硬币不见了。;1) The news quickly spread abroad. 消息迅速传开。 2) The fire spread quickly through the forest. 大火迅速在整个林区蔓延。 3) The spread of the disease frightened the villagers. 疾病的蔓延使村民害怕。;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. hold up 举起;延搁,阻滞 Please hold up your hand if you have any question. The reason why he was late for work was that he was held up in a traffic jam . hold back 阻挡;忍住,抑制;隐瞒 hold on 别挂断;坚持 hold on to 不卖,执着于 hold out 伸出;维持 ;;;;1.保持警戒,值班 on guard 2.达成协议,做成交易 make a deal 3.暴露,泄密 give away 4.一上一下,来来回回 up and down 5.偶然地 by accident 6.举起,耽搁,阻滞 hold up 7.超过,不仅仅,非常 more than 8.向---------问好 say hello to 9.打开/关上 switch on / off ;Practice 1. My uncle’s car was ____ for an hour in a traffic jam. A held up B held on C held to D held off 2. I have no idea how to ___ the goods. A do with B deal wi


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