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前言 PLC在注塑机控制系统中的应用 摘 要 由于注塑过程是一个非稳定、非恒温的过程,在合模、注射、升(降)温等各生产过程中的工艺参数将直接影响塑料制品的品质,因而对注塑机的控制系统提出了很高的要求。随着电子技术的不断进步和发展,此传统控制方法的缺点越来越显著地表现出来,如维修量大,继电器寿命短,接线相当复杂。采用有触点的开关动作,工作频率低,可靠性差,易出故障。继电器动作慢,定时不准确,系统控制精度差等。因而,对注塑机的控制系统进行改造很有研究必要。文章对注塑机结构进行分析,并进对西门子S7-200 PLC的编程方法以及使用的方法进行简单介绍。通过组态软件的仿真配合,设计出一个完整的由PLC控制的注塑机系统,实现低能耗、低噪音、锁模力容易控制、运行平稳、安全可靠和便于维修的目标! 关键词:注塑机,西门子S7-200,组态仿真 Application of the injection molding machine control system of PLC ABSTRACT As the injection process is a non stable, non isothermal process, the mold, injection, or ( descending ) temperature of the production process parameters in the process of plastic products will directly affect the quality of the injection molding machine, the control system has put forward higher request. Along with the electronic technology continues to progress and develop, the traditional control method has been more and more obviously shown, such as repair a large quantity, relay for life is short, the wiring is quite complex. The contact switches action, low working frequency, poor reliability, easy fault. Relay action slow, timing is not accurate, system control accuracy. Thus, the injection molding machine control system reformation is the research necessary to, The injection molding machine structure is analyzed, and the inlet of Siemens S7-200PLC programming method and the use of the method are introduced in this paper. Through with the configuration software in the simulation,designing of a complete control by PLC injection molding machine system, and achieve low power consumption, low noise, easy to control the clamping force, stable running, safe and reliable and is convenient to repair target! KEY WORDS: injection molding machine, Siemens S7-200, configuration simulation 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc326053247 前 言  PAGEREF _Toc326053247 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc326053248 第1章 总体设计方案  PAGEREF _Toc326053248 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l _Toc326053249 1.1 注塑机的基本介绍  PAGEREF _Toc326053249 \h 3  HYPE


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