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Sametime服务器上的stbroadcastgateway.exe进程异常终止。 On the Domino server console, the following error is repeated:在Domino服务器控制台上,下面的错误重复: Process C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\stbroadcastgateway.exe (792/0x318) has terminated abnormally . 进程C:\ Program Files文件\的Lotus \ Domino的\ stbroadcastgateway.exe(792/0x318)已异常终止。 All of the Sametime services remain running, and there are no problems with attending and scheduling Sametime meetings.所有Sametime服务继续运行,并有出席大会,并安排Sametime会议没有问题。 Cause导致 There are multiple causes for this error.这个错误有多种原因。 The more common ones are as follows:较常见的如下: Host name resolution and binding: The process stbroadcastgateway.exe binds to two different ports.主机名称解析和绑定的的过程stbroadcastgateway.exe结合两个不同的端口。 Unless manually overridden, it defaults to using port 554 for client connections, and 8083 for control connections.除非手动重写,它默认使用客户端连接端口554,和8083用于控制连接。 In one known case, stbroadcastgateway.exe is failing to bind to port 8083.在一个已知的情况下,stbroadcastgateway.exe未能绑定到8083端口。 As a result, the process is throwing an exception and going down.作为一个结果,过程中抛出一个异常,下去。 This also causes the stgwservice.exe process to go down.这也导致stgwservice.exe的过程下去。 This problem has been seen on the Windows platform when the full computer name does not match the Fully Qualified Host Name of the Sametime server.在Windows平台上已经看到这个问题时,完整的计算机名称不匹配的Sametime服务器的完全限定主机名。 Process did not end cleanly: In another case, the terminated abnormally error followed recovery from a crash or hang where the server has not completely shutdown before it was restarted.进程没有结束干净:在另一起案件中,“异常终止”的错误之后从崩溃中恢复或挂起所在的服务器还没有完全关闭之前,它被重新启动。 The message appears on the log when a Domino process that checks what tasks are running reports every minute if a process that is expected to be running is not found running.检查哪些任务时,Domino进程正在运行的报告,如果运行的过程中,预计每分钟未找到运行日志上出现该消息。 Refer to  HYPERLINK /translate_c?hl=zh-CNprev=/search%3Fq%3DProcess%2BDomino%255Cstbroadcastgateway.exe%2B%2Bhas%2Bterminated%2Babnormal%26hl%3Dzh-CN%26newwind


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