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PAGE  PAGE 5 SYD-511B 石油产品和添加剂机械杂质试验器 使 用 说 明 书 GLMGS 2002年06月06日 一、产品简介 One, product introduction 本仪器是根据国家标准GB/T511《石油产品和添加剂机械杂质测定法(重量法)》规定的要求设计的,适用于测定石油产品中的各类轻、重质油、润滑油及添加剂的机械杂质的含量。 The instrument is based on the national standard GB / T511 petroleum products and additives - Determination of mechanical impurities ( gravimetric method) in accordance with the requirements of design, applicable to the determination of petroleum products in various types of light, heavy oil, lubricating oil and additives mechanical impurities content. 二、技术指标 Two, technical indicators ★工作电源:AC 220V±10%,50Hz。 Of working power: AC220V + 10%,50Hz. ★水浴加热功率:1000W。 Of water bath heating power:1000W. ★水浴控温范围:室温~90℃内可调。 Water bath temperature control range of room temperature and 90DEG C: adjustable. ★水浴温度显示:LED数字显示。 Of temperature display: LED digital display. ★水浴控温精度:±1℃。 Water bath temperature control precision of plus or minus 1 DEG C. ★漏斗控温范围:室温~90℃内可调。 Funnel temperature range of room temperature and 90DEG C: adjustable. ★漏斗控温显示:LED数字显示。 Of funnel temperature display: LED digital display. ★漏斗控温精度:±2℃。 Hopper: temperature control precision of plus or minus 2 DEG C. ★外形尺寸:控制箱 390(长)×260(宽)×590(高);水浴箱 90(长)×290(宽)×370(高)。 Of dimensions: control box 390(L ) x 260( W) x 590( H); water bath box 90(L ) x 290( W) x 370( H). ★环境温度:≤35℃。 Ambient temperature below 35DEG C:. ★相对湿度:≤85%。 Relative humidity: less than or equal to 85%. ★整机功耗:不大于1200W。 Power consumption: not more than 1200W. 三、仪器成套 In three, complete sets of equipment ★水浴箱(含量杯托架) In the water bath box ( content cup bracket ) ★控制箱 Of control box ★控温漏斗 Funnel of temperature control ★温度传感器 Of temperature sensor ★抽滤瓶(1000ml、含16#白塞) Suction bottle of (1000ml, containing 16# beh ) ★玻璃漏斗(Ф90) Glass funnel ( with90). ★支架杆、锁紧件 On the support rod, the locking piece ★漏斗托 Funnel support. ★水银温度计 Of the mercury thermometer ★量杯(1000ml) In the measuring cup (1000ml ) ★电源引线 On the power lead ★电源线(250V 10A) Of power line (2


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