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PAGE  PAGE 8 汉语学习2003年4月第2期1-7页 “不”、“没(有)”的用法及其所受的时间制约 李铁根1 [作者简介]李铁根,男,文学博士,韩国梨花女子大学中语中文系客座教授,主要从事现代汉语语法研究。 (梨花女子大学中语中文系,韩国汉城) [关键词]认定性否定;叙述性否定;绝对时;相对时;已然;未然;前时;后时 [摘 要]本文对“不”、“没(有)”的否定意义和用法重新进行梳理阐释。“不”的否定用法可概括为两种:认定性否定和叙述性否定。认定性否定具有泛时性,不受时间制约;而叙述性否定不具有泛时性,“不”的使用严格受到时间的制约,与“没”形成互补分布。“不”的叙述性否定用法有两种:1.否定绝对未然句;2.否定相对后时句。“没”的否定用法也可分为两种:绝对时用法和相对时用法。在相对时间句中,“没有”可以用来否定已然前时句和未然前时句。“不”和“没”都具有明显的时间性特征。绝对时和相对时的区分有助于我们正确认识“不”和“没”的时间特征及其否定意义,也有助于解释某些相关的语法现象。 [中图分类号]H146.3[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1003-7365(2003)02-0001-07 The Usage of “Bu” and “Mei you” and Time Restriction LI Tie-gen (Department of Chinese, Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul, Korea) Keywords: the judgement negation; the narrative negation; absolute tense; relative tense; have been done; will be done; pre-time; post-time Abstract: This article further explains the negative function and the usage of “Bu” and “Meiyou”. The author holds that there are generally two negative usages of “Bu”: the judgement negation and the narrative negation. The former expresses general and unspecific time, while the latter expresses restricted and specific time. Therefore, “Bu” and “Meiyou” often form complementary pair. The usages of the narrative negation about “Bu” include two respects: 1. “Bu” negates the absolute sentence that will be done; 2. “Bu” negates the post time sentence in relative tense. The negative functions of “Meiyou” include absolute tense and relative tense. In the sentence of relative tense, “Meiyou” may negate the pre-time sentence that have been done or will be done. “Bu” and “Meiyou” both possess obvious time features. The distinction of absolute tense and relative tense will contribute to the understanding of time features and negative functions of “Bu” and “Meiyou”, and to the explanation of some relative syntax phenomenons.   §1引言 1.1否定副词“不”、“没(有)”的使用到底受不受时间制约?一种具有代表性的观点是“不”的使用不受时间限制,而“没(有)”的使用要受时间限制2如吕叔湘(1981)认为:“‘没有’用于客观叙述,限于指过去和现在,不能指将来。‘不’用于主观意愿,可指过去、现在和将来。”对外汉语教材普遍持这种观点。 。近年来,有人批评了上述观点3如白荃(2000)认为,说“不”和“没(


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