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远程与继续教育学院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目:______________________________________ ______________________________________ 指导教师:______________________________________ 站 点:______________________________________ 学 号:______________________________________ 专 业:______________________________________ 年 级:______________________________________ 姓 名:______________________________________ 年 月 毕业设计(论文)诚信承诺书 本人郑重承诺网络教育 层次 专业的毕业论文《 》的主要观点和思想系本人独立思考完成,并在此申明我愿承担与上述承诺相违背的事实所引起的一切消极后果。 签名: 年 月 日 我国上市公司 投资者关系管理研究 Investor Relations Management within Chinese Listed Company 三号黑体 摘要 投资者关系管理是市场经济的必然产物,它的??用已为发达资本市场的实践所验证。 本文从描述投资者关系管理在我国发展的实际情况入手,通过实证分析发现目前我国上市公司投资者关系管理的现状很不理想,只有12.5%的上市公司在公司网页上设立了投资者关系专栏,42.0%的上市公司在公司网页上公布了财务资料;并且公司开展投资者关系管理与公司已上市年限、注册地址、规模和盈利能力等因素相关性很小;目前我国上市公司实施的投资者关系管理对其在减少再融资时间、降低再融资成本和稳定股价方面的作用也不明显。进而本文对产生这种现象的原因进行了分析并且提出了促进我国上市公司投资者关系管理工作的对策建议。 关键词: 投资者关系管理(IRM) 上市公司 资本市场 Abstract Investor Relations Management (IRM) is an inevitable result of market economy. Its function has been proved by the practice of developed capital market. This paper started with describing the status quo of the IRM within Chinese listed companies. Through the empirical study, I find that the status quo of the IRM in China is very wicked, only 12.5% companies have an Investor Relations title on their websites, 42.0% companies have disclosed financial materials on their websites, whether a company has IRM is not related to its listing years, registered location, size and earnings. Now the functions of IRM such as shortening the time of refinancing, decreasing the cost of refinancing, stabilizing stock price, have not been shown in Chinese listed companies. Finally, I analyze the reason of such phenomenon and make a proposal on how to promote the development of IRM in China. Keywords: Investor Relations Management (IRM) Listed Company Capital market 三号黑体 四号黑体 目 录 加粗四号Times New Roman 四号宋体 四号黑体 摘要 I Abstract II 1 投资者关系管


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