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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note Grammar ;Noun Clause;Discovering useful structures;Work in pairs;3. What does Henry tell the brothers about his job in America? Henry tells the brothers that he worked for a mining company in America. 4. What else does Henry tell the brothers? Henry tells them that he landed in Britain by accident.;List the examples where noun clauses are used as the predicative.;Complete the following sentences using noun clauses as the predicative based on the information from the play.;2. Henry has a lot of problems. One of his problems is_______________________. that he doesnt know anybody in London. Another problem is that he has no money. 3. Henry realized he needed help. The embassy was _____________________. where he thought he would get it. ;4. Henry tells the brothers about his job in America. His concern is_____________. how he can find a job so he can go home again. 5. The brothers ask Henry some questions. The brothers’ concern is____________. whether Henry knows London or has any money. ;6. Henry is invited to the brothers’ house. The envelope is___ zx xk ______________. what the brothers give to Henry.;Summary of Noun Clauses;表语从句 在句子中作表语,在系动词之后;宾语从句;找出各句中的从句并指出是何种从句。 1. I dont know if I can do it. 2. What he is doing seems very difficult. 3. The important thing is how we can improve our studies. zx xk 4. Mr Li always thinks of how he can do more for the people. 5. The news that she was pretending to be sick was whispered from one to another. ;6. Thats what you are going to do first. 7. Itll be decided at the class meeting who is to be the monitor of our class. 8. When the sports meet is to be held is still under discussion. 9. I was surprised at what he said. 10. He gave me the news that some Americans will visit our school tomorrow. ;Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.;5. What frightened us most was _____ two lights suddenly appeared out of the darkness. 6. My mot


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