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The True North;What do you know about Canada?;Reflective Thinking: Why is the title called “The True North”?;O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. ;Reading : “The True North ” from Toronto to Montreal;1st Reading: Draw the traveling route of the two girls and tell what they can see.; G1:What season was it when they traveled? How do you know? G2:Why was there good Cantonese food in Toronto? G3:Why couldn’t they go to the capital city, Ottawa? G4:What three things show us that Montreal has a French culture?;Listening Task: The Overview of Canada;size weather history energy geography language Population resources;The capital of Canada is ______. A. Toronto B. Ottawa C. Vancouver D. Washington 2.Canada lies in _________. A. southern North America B. northern North America C. southern South America D. northern South America 3. The population of Canada is _______. A. 29 billion B. 5,500 million C. 29 million D.5,500 billion 4. Canadians speak ________. A. English B. French C.Russian D. both A and B 5. Canada is the ______ largest country in the world. A.second B.third C. forth D.\ ; ;; the beautiful sight of Ottawa – the capital city of Canada;;the French-speaking province ----Quebec;England;weather;resources of Canada;fresh water;coal , oil , natural gas;forests; fishing : important for Canadians ; fish form east and west coast : be sold to many other countries;Grammar Reflection;1. ____you told me is very useful. A. That B. What C. Whether D. Which 2.Have you heard the news ____ Beijing won in t



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