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PAGE 4 PAGE 5 建筑装饰工程施工合同 Contract 发包方(简称甲方) Party A: 承包方(简称乙方):上海巧点装饰设计有限公司 Party B: i-point design (Inspiration Point Design) 根据中华人民共和国合同法中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法中华人民共和国价格法上海市合同格式条款监督条例,上海市建筑市场管理条例,以及其他有关法律法规规定的原则,结合本工程的具体情况,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上达成如下协议,共同遵守 According to: “PRC Contract Law”, “Law on the Protection of Consumer Interests”, “PRC Price Law”, “Shanghai Supervision of Contract Terms”, “Shanghai Construction Market Management Regulations”, as well as other laws and regulations relevant to the specific circumstances of this project, parties A and B have hereby equally and voluntarily entered into the following agreement executed on the basis of mutual respect. 一、概况 OVERVIEW 1. 甲方装饰物业系合法物业 Party A is the owner of the property. 2. 乙方为本市经工商行政管理机关核准登记,并可从事装潢装修的企业 Party B is approved and registered with the city industrial and commercial administrative organs as an enterprise engaged in renovation and decoration. 3. 装饰施工地点 Construction site: 4. 建筑结构: 建筑面积 平方米,施工面积 平方米。 Construction area: total area (including stairwells and other common areas): m2, private living area: m2. 5. 装饰施工内容:住宅装饰,详见附件一工程估价单 Structure: residential. 6. 承包方式:详见附件一工程估价单 Contractor engagement method: See annex – (quotation). 7. 总价款: .00元,大写(人民币): 元整。 Total price: .00RMB; in words: 元整. Any changes in this price must be agreed by both parties in writing. 8. 工期:自 年 月 日开工,至 年 月 日前竣工,工时总计 天,不含国家法定节假日,乙方委派现场施工监理为 先生,联系方式: Period: Start: (year) (month) (day); Completion before: (year) (month) (day); Total days (excluding national holidays): days. Party Bs on site construction supervisor will be: 二、关于工程付款及结算的约定 TERMS OF PAYMENT 1. 工程款的付款方式如下 The payment schedule shall be as follows: 付 款 时 间 Timing of Payments付 款 时 间 Date ( (RMB)合同签订后60% After the contract is signed.油漆工进场前30% When half of the


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