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Unit 5 Language points;例:1)Modesty is one of his good qualities. 谦虚是他的美德之一。 2)We should keep the fine qualities of the working people. zxxk 我们应该保持劳动人民的优良品质。;2. mean adj. ;3. active adj.; active adj. 积极的,主动的,活泼的 actively adv. 活动地,积极地 activity n. 活动 activist(政治活动的) 活跃分子;激进主义分子;4. generous adj.;自私的, 利己主义的; 只顾自己的 She is a selfish girl. 她是个自私自利的女孩。;6. devoted adj.;【即学即练】 用devote的适当形式完成句子。 1. Thousands of _______ fans waited in the rain for the star to arrive. 2. She gladly gave up her part-time job and ______ herself entirely to her art.;7. die for 为某种事业或目的而死 1)die for one’s country/ the people/ the cause 2)die of 死于内因---die of cancer 3)die from 死于外因---die from a car accident 4)die by 死于暴力, 刀或剑等---die by the sword[s?:d] 5)be dying for 渴望,极想得到... She is dying for a cup of water. 6)die away 消失(渐渐远去) The sound died away. 7)die out 绝种 This kind of animal is dying out. ;8. found vt.;9. believe in ;1)She gave up her job to look after her mother. 她放弃了工作去照顾妈妈。 2)This is a good idea. You shouldn’t give it up. 这是个好主意。你不需要放弃它。 3)His father has given up smoking. 他的爸爸已经戒烟了。 ;Do not talk (in) that way. (In) this way, you can remember the spelling. Don’t stand in the /my way. He is better in some way (s). He picked a pen on the way to school. ;12. fight against 与……作斗争 fight for 为……而战 fight with 与谁一起战斗 ;13. be…away有…远(指距离、时间) P34 1) 我家离这里只有两条街。 My house is only 2 blocks away from here. 2) 他的生日在两周以后。 His birthday is two weeks away. ;1) 她整天往外跑你不担心吗? Doesn’t it worry you that she is away from home? 2) 不要发愁。 Don’t worry yourself.;15. be out of work/job;out of breath 上气不接下气 out of patience 不耐烦 out of use 没用了 out of order 出故障了 out of control 失控了 out of danger 脱离危险了 out of sight 看不见了 Out of sight, ou



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