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主体性论文:主体性教育策略实践与研究 【中文摘要】课堂教学中要实施主体性教学,必须转变教学观念,相信学生都有学习的潜能,要让学生掌握教学过程中的时间和空间的主动权,尊重学生的主体地位,发挥学生的主体作用,唤起学生的主体意识,发扬学生的主动精神,形成学生的探索习惯。同时要根据学科的特点,选择和运用科学合理的教学方法,以发展学生的自主性、能动性和创新性。在课堂上要充分发挥学生的主体性,让他们成为学习的主人,这是课堂焕发生命力的源泉。课堂教学的设计应该注意是否有利于师生间的思维互动。为了学生的发展,为了体现学生为主体的理念,评价一节课的好坏与否,师生之间、生生之间的互动程度应该是一个非常重要的指标。创设激励学生参与管理的环境,培养学生主动参与管理和自我规范调控的意识和能力,发挥学校集体生活的优势,强化学校微观管理的育人作用。活动课程是以获得直接经验和必威体育精装版信息为主要任务,以充分而有特色的发展学生的基本素质为目标。它具有内容的广泛性、组织形式的灵活多样性、参与者的自主性和个体的实践性等特征。活动课程对于培育、发展学生的主体性具有独特作用,它有助于培养学生的主体意识和自我教育能力,有助于学生开阔视野、丰富经验、培养创造才能,也有助于培养学生的兴趣、爱好,发展他们的特长。《科学》学科教学主体性实践探索与反思。 【英文摘要】English summary:Subject to the implementation of classroom teaching, we must change the concept of teaching, I believe students have the potential to learn, to make the process of teaching students to master time and space in the initiative, the dominant position of respect for the students to play the main role of students, raise consciousness of students, promote student initiative, students explore the formation of habits. At the same time according to the characteristics of subjects, selection, and apply scientific methods of teaching to develop student autonomy, initiative and innovation. In the classroom full of students to subjectivity, so that they become masters of learning, which is the source of vitality classroom glow. Classroom teaching should be designed to help students pay attention to whether there is interaction between the mind. For the development of students, in order to reflect the concept of student-centered, assessment of a class of good or bad, between teachers and students, the degree of interaction between life and life should be a very important indicator. Encourage students to participate in the creation of the management environment for students to actively participate in the management and regulation of self-regulation awareness and ability to play the advantages of collective life schools, strengthen school education wer


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