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The boy ___ diving.;Bob ;Grammar;主谓一致有三大原则:;(1) He and I _____ students of this school. 我和他都是这个学校的学生。;(2) 但如果连接两个以上的名词指的是同一个人或物, 或者指同一概念的时候, 谓语要用单数。 ;The singer and dancer____ (be) going to give us a performance. ; A).表整体概念的并列结构: bread and butter knife and fork iron and steel law and order B).配套事物: a watch and chain a cart and horse a coat and tie a needle and thread ; What he is doing seems very important. 他正在做的事情看起来很重要。Collecting stamps is his hobby. 收集邮票是他的爱好。 To learn a foreign language well is not a difficult task. 学好一门外语并不难.; Those who enjoy singing may join us. Tom, who is your friend, should help you.; The teacher, together with his students, is planting trees in the street. 老师和他的学生们正在街道上植树。;John, rather than his classmates, _____ (be) at school. 是约翰在学校,而不是他的室友们.;就近原则;Neither you nor I ____wrong. (be) Neither I nor you ____ wrong. (be) Not only the students but also the teacher _______ listening to the music. (enjoy) Not only the teacher but also the students ______ listening to the music. (enjoy);Here comes the bus. Here is a pen and two books for you.; There __ a pen, two pencils and several books on the desk. =There ___ two pencils , a pen and several books on the desk. =There ___several books , a pen and two pencils on the desk.;;概念一致原则;1.集合名词作主语, 动词可用单数, 也可以用复数。主要由句子的意思决定。强调整体谓语动词用单数;指全体人员时, 动词则用复数。这一类常见的集合名词有public, family, class, crowd, population, team, group。;2. 不定代词all, more, some, any, none作主语,谓语动词视情况而定。;None of the money_____ left. 没有剩下一点钱。 None of the students _____ there. 没有学生在那里。;3. the rest of; half of; part of; majority of; percen



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