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Learn about language ;Checking answer – I ( 3ms ) Answer keys for Ex.1 on Page 11:;Alternative expressions;Checking answer – II (3ms) Answer keys for Ex.2 on Page 12:;Checking answer – III (2ms) Answer keys for Ex.3 on Page 12:;;一、–ing 作主语或宾语;②用形式主语it,把真正的主语ing形式移至句尾。但这种句子形式有一定的限制,作表语的只能是某些形容词或少数名词。 和夏洛克争辩是没有什么用的。 It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. 这事值得去做。 It’s worth making the effort. 想再解释一次有好处吗? Is it any good trying to explain? 跟你在一起工作是令人愉快的。 It is pleasant working with you.;③在there be no结构中作主语 这种结构的意思相当于“It is impossible to do… ”。 若要人不知,除非己莫为。 There is no hiding of evil but not to do it. 这种事开不得玩笑。 Here is no joking about such matter. 无法知道他什么时候离开。 There was no knowing when he would leave. ;注意:-ing与不定式的比较: -ing表示的动作通常是一个泛指的动作,不定式则通常表示具体的动作。 我喜欢看书,但是我现在想看电影。 I like ,but now I like .;归纳:常用-ing形式作主语的句型有: It +be +a waste of time doing 做……是浪费时间的 It is/was no good/use doing 做……是没益/用处的 It is/was hardly/scarcely worth doing 做……不值得 It is/was worth/worthwhile doing 做……是值得的 There is no doing 无法…… , 不允许……;There is no sense in doing 做、、、没有道理 There is/was no use doing 干、、、无意义 There is/was nothing worse than doing 没有比、、、更糟的 There is/was no point doing 干、、、无意义 我们不知道要去哪儿。 There was no knowing where we would go. 做这件傻事毫无意义。 There is no point doing such a silly thing. ;注意:There is no need to do sth 干、、、没必要,在此句式中to do 不可换为doing.. 没有必要告诉她。 There is no need to tell her. 注意:-ing的逻辑主语由形容词性物主代词和名词所有格构成。 我姐姐病了,使我很担心。 My sisters being ill made me worried. 你正确未必就意味着我错了。 Your being right doesnt necessarily mean my being wrong. ;2、用作宾语 ①只能后接动名词作宾语的动词,常见的有avoid,consider,enjoy,keep,finish,suggest,dislike,delay,escape,cannot help,imagine,mind,miss,practise,cannot stand, excuse,fancy,give up,put off,risk等。如: 我不能不去。 I can’t avoid going. 你是否考虑过找一位挚友? Have you considered looking for one special friend? ;②既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语的动词,常见的有:begin,start,continue,like,love,prefer,mean,forget,remember,hate等。



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