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1. whether …. or not whether可以引导_______________________________________;而if只能引导_______________。 引导宾语从句既可以用whether, 也可以用if, 两者常可以互换。 He asked me whether / if I could lend him my bike. 值得注意的是: Could you tell us whether / if it snows in winter in Australia? ①?whether和if都可以和________连用, 但是whether之后可以直接跟or not, 而if则不能, 如: I don’t know whether or not he’s coming. 但是不可以说: I don’t care if or not your car breaks down.[来源: /] ② whether引导的从句一般不可以为________ (选择问句的后一部分除外); 而if则可以跟否定结构, 如: I don’t care if she doesn’t come. 但是, 在某些动词或形容词之后, 则可以用whether引导一个否定结构的句子, 这种结构往往表示肯定的含义, 如: I wonder whether he doesn’t think too much of himself. 其意思相当于: I think he does think too much of himself. ③?个别动词之后, 如_______等, 只跟用whether引导的宾语从句,如: They discussed whether they should close the shop. ④?whether可以引导_____________________, 而if则不能, 如: I’m not interested in whether they’ll go or not. ⑤?whether可以直接跟________________连用, 而if则不能, 如: I didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. She hasn’t decided whether to go or not. 2.in time终于;及时;迟早,总有一天 翻译: 1) You’d better return it in time. ________________________________________ 2) The storm was in time to stop before the sports meeting. _______________________________________________ 3) You’ll learn how to do it in time. _______________________________________ 【考点提示】 ______ time 准时;按时 in no time ________________ at a time 一次;每次 at ________ time 曾经;一度 at times ___________ ________ of time 提前 for the time being 暂时 ________ one’s time 别着急;慢慢来 at the same time 同时;然而;不过 of the time现在的,当时的 from time to time _________________ 【即学即练】 1. To complete the project_______, the staff were working at weekends. 为了按时完成工程,全体员工周末都在上班。 2. The flowers were so lovely that they were sold _____________. (2007,宁夏) 这些花是如此的可爱以至于他们很快就被卖光了。 【高考链接】 What a strange man! He loves his life, but _______ he often beats her. (2011,宝鸡市) A.at a time B. at one time C. in time D. at the same time 3. atmosphere 译为:___________;___


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