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第  PAGE 3 页 共  NUMPAGES 3 页 Unit1 Friendship Period2 (Direct Indirect Speech(Ⅰ) statements questions) Aims To discover useful words and expressions To discover useful structures Procedures I. Warming up Warming up by discovering useful words and expressions Turn to page 4 and do Exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4 first. Then check your answers with your class partner. II. Learning about grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech 1.Direct Speech In direct speech, the original speakers exact words are given and are indicated by quotation marks. ★ “I don’t know what to do,” said Dean. In some grammar books, ‘said Dean’ is referred to as a reporting clause. “I dont know what to do,” is referred to as the reported clause. 2. Indirect Speech In indirect speech, the exact meaning of the speaker’s words is given, but the exact words are not directly quoted. ★ Dean said that he didn’t know what to do. To convert direct speech into indirect speech: If the main verb is past tense, present tense verbs in ‘that clause’ must also be changed to past tense. Dean said that he didn’t know what to do. First and second person pronouns must be changed to third person pronouns. Dean said that he didn’t know what to do. (The word ‘that’ can often be left out: Dean said he didn’t know what to do.) 3. Indirect Questions Direct question: “Did Marama’s horse win a prize?” Owen asked. Indirect questions: Owen asked whether (or if) Marama’s horse had won a prize.The same rules apply to indirect questions as to indirect statements. The difference is that a wh- clause is used instead of a that clause. Direct question: “Why won’t you marry me?” asked Donald. Indirect question: Donald asked her why she wouldn’t marry him. In telling a story or recounting events, a speaker using direct speech has all the resources of intonation to produce a lively account. Because indirect speech is always speech reported by someone else, the account is more reserved and res


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