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The Seventh Period;Do you know any place in the world where Chinese and Westerner cultures live side by side?;Hong kong;Where is it? Have you ever been there? What do you think is their way of showing friendship?;Can you imagine what the life will be in such a place?;Friends and friendship are very important for everyone of us. ;Read the passage and decide what each of the following words means in the language of the Hawaiians.;True or false questions. ( )1. Hawaiians say “aloha”to each other to show friendship. ( )2. They welcome people of all races, languages and cultures with “ohana” . ( )3. They give visitors a “lei” to make them feel at home. ( )4. Hawaii is a place where many cultures live together peacefully and co-operate with each other. ( )5. People in Hawaii can live in peace because they help each other.;Read the text again ,discuss with your partner and answer the following questions.;What is the first way Hawaiians show their friendship?;2. What is the second way of showing friendship?;3. What is their third way of showing friendship?;4. Why do many different peoples call Hawaii their home?;5. How do people in Hawaii get on with one another?;6. How can people in Hawaii live in peace?;7. Can you find similar things in your hometown? How do you show friendship to visitors?;Read the following poem carefully and write down the pairs of words that rhyme and add more similar rhyming words.;Proverbs about friends and friendship.;Ex. 2 on page 45;How to make friends with others?;;Q: What’s his problem? He feels very lonely, because he is not very good at communicating with people. So he wants some advice to change the situation.;Writing;Contents;Structure;Tense: As it is a letter, so Simple Present Tense will be applied to the writing. word limit: about 100 words time limit: 10 mins;Illustration(阐述);Partner Reviewing;Demonstration;Sample Version; order to understand and communicate with


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