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Listening; Please read fast the requirements and look through the six pictures to find out the key points for listening.;2 1 3 4 6 5;2. Act out the actions in the listening passage (listen to it one more time).;LISTENING TEXT; He is driving for the first time in the city, and is very nervous. Taxis are going in every direction. The bicycle riders are not looking at him, and he is beginning to think that he shouldn’t have bought the car.; Suddenly, the traffic light turns red. He cannot stop in time and turns to his left to avoid hitting the car in front of him. Crash! He hits a bicycle and knocks over a basket full of apples. And there is a policeman, walking toward him.;CYCLIST: Look what you did! All my apples are on the road! What am I going to sell in the market? You must pay me for them!;POLICEMAN: Well, what’s the matter here? Don’t you know you can’t be in two places at once? Stay in your lane! Watch the traffic! Pay attention to the lights, and stop when you are supposed to! Where do you think you are going? You’ll have to pay a fine for his.;LIN PU: I’m sorry. I didn’t see this man. I was trying not to hit that car in front of me. I just got my licence and I’m not used to driving in the city. ;CYCLIST: I don’t care if you are used to it or not! What are you going to do about my apples? (to the policeman) Can’t you make him pay me? ;POLICEMAN: I can make him pay a fine. I hope you didn’t pay much for this car. You would be able to buy a better car with the money you will pay for your fine. LIN PU: I don’t have any money. I spent all my money on my car. What can I do? ;CYCLIST: You can pick up my apples. POLICEMAN: You can sell that car — if you can find somebody to buy it. You have to pay this fine by the end of the month. LINPU: Oh, dear! Why did I ever want a car? ;Listening task on page 62;Why do both humans and chimps do things to make sure others are not dangerous? It is important for humans and chimps to have a friendly a


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