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Period Five Communication Workshop,Culture Corner, Bulletin Board Writing                   基础落实 Ⅰ.语境填词 1.____________(幸运地是),instead of hitting the ball,he hit his own false teeth(假牙). 2.The new model will be in ____________(生产) by the end of the year. 3.Never ____________(用油煎) a fish till it’s caught. 4.I feel I’ve made a ____________(混乱) of things. 5.I was so tired that I fell asleep the moment my head touched the ____________(枕头). Ⅱ.短语检测 1.装扮成……dress ________ as 2.理应/应该做某事be supposed ________ sth. 3.一点儿……,一些……a bit ________ 4.也,又as ________ 5.各式各样的a variety ________ 6.尤其,特别________ particular Ⅲ.选词填空 in front of;arrive;put up;contribute to;as well;carry on;mess;unfortunately;even if;at the end of 1.Six students stand in a row ____________ the classroom. 2.This is the first car that ________ this morning. 3.She ________ a portrait of her father on the wall. 4.Please hand in your papers ____________ the exam. 5.Even after the music started,they ____________ talking. 6.You might ________ get it over if you can. 7.This illness makes a ________ of my holiday plans. 8.____________,the show was one of the dullest we have ever seen. 9.____________ he is poor,he feels happy. 10.Your suggestion has greatly ____________ the accomplishment of our work. Ⅳ.单项填空 1.I went along thinking of nothing________—only looking at things around me. A.in brief B.in doubt C.in harmony D.in particular 2.Mary is very untidy,and she always leaves her room in a ________. A.disorder B.mess C.damage D.trouble 3.She is complaining ________ the police ________ the matter. A.about;to B.to;about C./;of D.to;for 4.The street was named after a great man ________ his great contributions to the city. A.in honour of B.instead of C.in case of D.in need of 5.—It is reported that the famous basketball star as well as his family ________ to visit our college next month. —I heard the news ________. A.are;also B.is;either C.is;as well D.are;as well 6.Our sc


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