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课堂教学设计表 课题名称 学科英语授课班级k-13、14授课时数2设计者 所属学校侨声中学本节(课)教学内容分析依据课程标准1、营造宽松,和谐,民主的教学氛围 2、以学生为主体,促进学生自主学习能力的培养 3、充分发挥评价机制的作用,调动学生学习积极性 4、充分利用现代教育技术手段,激活课堂,促进学生全面发展。本节(课)教学目标知识和技能: 1 knowledge aims a. To practice using linking words and important words and pharses in the text Also, as well as , too, be located on, has a population of , go back, some time Plenty of b. To consolidate some reading strategies c. To develop strategies to match topics with paragraphs 2. Ability aims: a. to practise intensive and extensive reading skills b. to identify important words in a text 过程和方法?? 1. show students the map of New Zealand, and encourage students to say what they know about the New Zealand and life there. 2. Before reading the text, ask students to read the reading strategies first and then use the reading strategies when they read the text to find the main ideas. 情感态度和价值观: 1.To improve students interesting in learning English [来源:Z|xx|k.Com]学习者特征分析一般特征:after the mid-term exam, the students are in a changing mood, which may cause them slack off in their studies. According to the situation, I decided to have a speaking class about Virtual Tourism in order to make the students experience pleasure and increase interest and confidence in English learning. 初始能力:Nearly half of the term has passed, and the students have almost been adapted to the English learning in Senior High School. However, they still feel pessimistic about English; they think it difficult to learn English well. 信息素养:The students have the ability to search some information on the internet including pictures, Flash, short movies and so on, in addition,they are familiar with the use of Microsoft Office Powerpoint知识点学习目标描述知识点 编 号学习 目标具 体 描 述 语 句4-4-1熟悉show students the map of New Zealand, and encourage students to say what they know about the New Zealand and life there. 4-4-2理解To practice using linking words and important wor


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