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Unit 2 English around the world 世界各地的英语 Warming Up Reading;Ⅰ. 下面是本部分的重点词汇,你能准确填出内容吗? 1. 根据要求写出下列词汇 (1)It didn’t happen suddenly; the change was ________. (gradually) (2)This vase often falls over a lot because the ______(基部)is too small. (3)Please prove your ________(身份)before you enter the building. ;(4)Even though English is not her _______ language, she can speak English ________. (fluently / native) (5)He made a _______ to Japan in a small boat. (journey/ voyage) (6)They used to live in a house with a garden, but now they live in an _________(公寓). (7)To our surprise, the little boy has a large ___________(词汇). ;2. 短语互译 (1)_________ 因为 (2)_________ 走近;上来,提出 (3)___________ 以……为基础 (4)_________ 目前;现在 (5)___________ 利用;使用 (6)such as ___________;(7)be different from ____________ (8)at the end of ____________ (9)communicate with ___________ (10)a number of _____________;Ⅱ.阅读文章,完成下列练习 A.判断正误(填“T”或“F”) 1. In the 16th century, English began to be spoken in many other countries. ( ) 2. Native English speakers can’t understand each other because they speak different English. ( ) 3. English developed when new settlers and rulers came to Britain. ( ) 4. English is one of the official languages used in India. ( ) 5. China has the largest number of English learners. ( );B. 选择最佳答案 6. What’s the text mainly about? A. Why English has changed since AD 450. B. A brief history of the English language. C. English’s being widely spoken in the world. D. The differences between old and modern English. ;7. The last sentence “Only time will tell” in the text probably means that______. A. English may develop its own identity in China combined with Chinese B. Chinese people may help change English a great deal C. there may be more and more English learners in China D. there may be a completely new language in China;8. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Languages are changing gradually over time. B. Between AD 450 and 800, English wa


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