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Unit 2 Working the land Language points ;1. Have you ever grown any plants? If so, what did you do to grow them? If so=If you have ever grown some plants. so 表示“象那样的,如前所说的”,用于代替已陈述的事。如: -----can you pass the exam? ------I hope so. ;1) 辨析because, for because表示理由充分,有必然因果关系, 能回答以why引起的问句。;— Why aren’t you coming with us to the concert? — Because I have got a bad headache. — 你为何不与我们一起去看音乐会? — 因为我头痛。;for (因为,由于),补充说明理由,不用于句首;不能回答以why引起的问句。如: The shop was quite new, for it had opened only the week before.;____ he says so, it must be true. ___ it was late, I made haste to go. The day breaks _______ the sun rises. The day breaks, ___ the birds are singing. ;2) regard regard...as...; 将......认为 We regarded her as the best writer among us. in/ with regard to sb./sth. 关于,至于 a country’s laws in regard to human rights 一个国家关于人权的法律 ;3. works the land work vi./ vt. 经营,管理 work the land=grow crops on it 耕耘土地  He works a big farm. 他经营着一个大的农场。;4. In many ways, he is one of them, and he has struggled for the past five decades to help them. 常与现在完成时连用的时间状语 (1) already, yet, ever, just, recently, lately, never, before (adv.) The boy has already/just got home.; I haven’t heard from him yet /recently /lately. I have seen the old man somewhere before.;struggle vi. 搏斗, 挣扎, 努力, 拼搏 They were struggling to get out the burning car. 他们挣扎着从烧着的车里往外爬。 She struggled up the stairs with her heavy bags. 她提着沉重的行李艰难地走上楼梯。 [搭配] struggle against 与…斗争,为反对…而斗争, struggle for 为争取…而斗争;5. Dr Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice.;____ the emperor saw was quite different from _____ the old minister told him. A. Wh


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