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第  PAGE 2 页 共  NUMPAGES 2 页 [学 以 致 用] Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.________ the farmland turned into desert.(gradual) 2.Even though he did wrong to them,they still ________him as their friend.(recognize) 3.He was a natural leader,and when he ________,everyone obeyed.(command) 4.The government ________ gave an ________ statement that the officer would be put into prison.(office) 5.Mr Li,who speaks English ________,says that ________ develops gradually over time and practice.(fluent) 6.His facial ________ suggest that hes quite satisfied with the result and he always ________ things in this way.(express) 7.He called himself Chris but his ________ name is John.________ he has never met Chris.(actual) 8.The group of monks from the ________ are heading back ________.(east) 答案 1.Gmanded 4.official;official 5.fluently;fluency 6.expressions;expresses 7.actual;Actually 8.east;eastward Ⅱ.完成下列句子 1.______________ (已有几件类似的事故发生) in the United States in recent months. 2.He is______________;he is also a professor. 他不仅仅是一位作家,还是一位教授。 3.________________ in our work,we should not be proud.(even if引导状语从句) 即使我们在工作中取得了巨大成绩,也不应该自满。 4.He left the party________________ to stay there with me.(although引导状语从句) 尽管我请求他留在晚会上陪我,但他还是走了。 5.He was late not only________________ his illness but also ________ he missed the early bus.(because;because of) 他迟到了不仅因为他有病,而且因为他误了早班车。 答案 1.There have been several/a few such accidents 2.more than a writer 3.Even if we achieve great success 4.although I begged him 5.because of;because Ⅲ.单句改错 1.She has made a rapid progress in English.________ 2.Please open your book on page ten.________ 3.We are going to have an examination of mathematics.________ 4.She is a good cooker.________ 5.Europeans eat with a knife and fork.________ 6.He left home last year and I havent seen him from then.________ 7.We expect to go to America some times next year.________ 8.The girl dressed in white.________ 9.He was wounded by a stone.________ 10.It was yesterday w


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