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第  PAGE 2 页 共  NUMPAGES 2 页 [学 以 致 用] Ⅰ.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.The president was ________ to hear the ________ result on Monday.(disappoint) 2.This medicine can ________ the function of another.(weak) 3.When the child arrived at the top of the building,he was so tired,which made him ________.(breath) 4.The team was becoming weaker and weaker because of his ________ in the match.(relax) 5.Woman is physically but not ________ weaker than man.(mental) 6.Allow yourself to watch soap opera occasionally,but dont get ________.(addiction) 7.The new law will come into ________ from April.(effection) 8.Our friendship has steadily ________ over the years.(strong) 答案 1.disappointed;disappointing 2.weaken 3.breathless 4.relaxation 5.mentally 6.addicted 7.effect 8.strengthen Ⅱ.完成下列句子 1.The price of houses has continued to fall in big cities __________________.(effort) 由于政府努力控制,大城市里的房价持续降低。 2.Mary always did well at school __________________.(in spite of) 尽管不时地做些兼职的工作,玛丽成绩一向不错。 3.____________________ on my way home from school.(habit) 我已养成了在放学回家的路上看望祖父母的习惯。 4.We all ________________________ who are too poor to go to school.(it作形式宾语) 帮助那些贫穷上不起学的(学生)是我们的责任。 5.____________________ when he wants to know more about society.(it作形式主语) 对于一个高中生来说做个临时工作对他有好处,如果他想了解更多社会的话。 答案 1.thanks to the efforts of the government to control it 2.in spite of having to do part-time jobs every now and then 3.Ive got into the habit of calling in on my grandparents 4.regard it our duty to help those 5.It will do good to a senior student to do a part-time job Ⅲ.短文改错 Today we had a chemistry test.I found the test difficulty,but I tried hardly to do it.Suddenly Mary, my best friend,asking me to let her to copy my answers.After think for some time,I let her copy my answers.But after the test,all of us were called to the teachers office.The teacher was angry because we had same answers in the tests.We were warned not to cheat again so she would need to see our parents.I was very upset


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