英语(人教版)配套学以致用练习:6-4 Globalwarming.doc

英语(人教版)配套学以致用练习:6-4 Globalwarming.doc

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英语(人教版)配套学以致用练习:6-4 Globalwarming.doc

第  PAGE 2 页 共  NUMPAGES 2 页 英语(人教版)配套学以致用练习:6-4 Global warming.doc [学 以 致 用] Ⅰ.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.The price increases were passed on by the firm to the ________.(consume) 2.Our educational reform was ________ led onto the correct path.(steady) 3.A lot of ________ water from the chemical works brought the ________ into the river.(pollute) 4.Fertilizer will help the ________ of these tomato plants.(grow) 5.As a/an ________,he put the ________of art into practice.(educate) 6.There are two hundred boys ________ from seven to fourteen in age.(range) 7.His daughter is very athletic as ________ to from seven to fourteen in age.(oppose) 8.He was a good student and scored above ________ in most subjects.(average) 答案 1.consumers 2.steadily 3.polluted;pollution 4.growth 5.educator;education 6.ranging 7.opposed 8.average Ⅱ.完成下列句子 1.As a result of destroying the forests,________________(quantity). 因为砍伐森林的结果,大面积沙漠覆盖了田地。 2.Time after time she was warned __________________.Its no use crying now.(consequence) 有人一次又一次地警告过她这样做的后果。 3.This restaurant has become popular ________________ that suit all tastes and pockets.(range) 这家餐馆出名是由于它的各种各样的食物适应各种口味和消费类型的人群。 4.Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000, _____________________________________________________ _.(average) 去年毕业时已获得驾照的学生达到了20万人,平均每年4万人。 5.________________?We have to teach her to care for others.(put up with) 为什么我们要忍受苏珊的自私行为?我们得教她关心别人。 答案 1.a large quantity of desert has covered the land 2.of the consequence of her actions 3.for its wide range of foods 4.a(n) average of 40,000 per year 5.Why do we have to put up with Susans selfish behavior Ⅲ.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Jane:What do you want to do once you graduate? Henley:Uh...I think Id like to work for a hotel or travel service in this area.How about you? Jane:Well,__1__ I first started college,I wanted to study French,but I realized I __2__ have a hard time finding a job __3__(use) wh


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