英语(浙江专用)基础巩固:Unit4 Earthquakes(人教版必修1).doc

英语(浙江专用)基础巩固:Unit4 Earthquakes(人教版必修1).doc

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英语(浙江专用)基础巩固:Unit4 Earthquakes(人教版必修1).doc

第  PAGE 3 页 共  NUMPAGES 3 页 英语(浙江专用)基础巩固: Unit 4 Earthquakes(人教版必修1) Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Without ________ (电), life would not be so convenient today. 2.The building was completely ________ (毁坏) by fire. 3.They are working under ________ (极大的) pressure at the moment. 4.After the war they saved those who were alive and ________ (埋葬) the dead. 5.They were ________ (困住) in a deep hole and couldnt get out. 6.The ________ (法官) sentenced him to five years in prison. 7.She ________ (突发,爆炸) into tears at the news that her father had passed away. 8.On arriving there, we offered our ________ (祝贺) to him on his success. 9.Dont stand so near the edge, youre ________ (吓唬) me. 10.Its wrong of you to take ________ (躲避) under the tree in the storm. 答案:1.electricity 2.destroyed 3.extreme 4.buried 5.trapped 6.judge 7.burst 8.congratulations 9.frightening 10.shelter Ⅱ.完成句子 1.You shouldnt have gone out to play________ ________ ________ ________(没完成作业).(leave) 2.That scientist knew nothing about the matter, because he________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______(总是专心于研究).(bury) 3.________ ________ ________ ________ ________(从她上一封信看), they are having a wonderful time.(judge) 4.If a pen is partly put into the water, it looks________ ________ ________ ________ ________(好像断了).(as) 5.The boy________ ________ ________(突然大哭起来)on seeing the big dog.(burst) 答案:1.leaving your homework unfinished 2.was always buried in his study 3.Judging by/from her last letter 4.as if it were broken 5.burst into tears/burst out crying Ⅲ.作文练笔 先将下面几个句子翻译成英语,然后连成一篇小短文。 1.一天夜里,一切都开始摇晃起来。 2.水管爆裂,电力中断。 3.世界似乎到了末日。 4.有些人受伤,有些人被埋在废墟下,还有些人失踪。 5.从当时情况判断,大量的被困群众等待着救援。 6.并不是没有了希望。 7.很快军队就被派来帮助他们。 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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