英语(浙江专用)基础巩固:Unit4 Globalwarming(人教版选修6).doc

英语(浙江专用)基础巩固:Unit4 Globalwarming(人教版选修6).doc

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英语(浙江专用)基础巩固:Unit4 Globalwarming(人教版选修6).doc

第  PAGE 3 页 共  NUMPAGES 3 页 英语(浙江专用)基础巩固: Unit 4 Global warming(人教版选修6) Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.There are large ________ (数量) of rain in the area of the country every summer. 2.Scientists have many theories about how the universe first came into ________ (存在). 3.A rainbow is a natural ________ (现象) especially after a heavy rain. 4.Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous ________ (结果). 5.The ________ (平均数) of 4, 5 and 9 is 6. 6.Several cars are available within this price ________ (范围). 7.The personnel manager ________ (浏览) down the list of names of the applicants. 8.He tried to sound ________ (漫不经心), but in fact he was worried. 9.We are making slow but ________ (稳步的) progress. 10.The proposed new airport will be strongly ________ (反对) by the local residents. 答案:1.quantities 2.existence 3.phenomenon 4.consequences 5.average 6.range 7.glanced 8.casual 9.steady 10.opposed Ⅱ.完成句子 1.________ ________ ________(总的来说), Im satisfied with her progress.(whole) 2.________ ________ ________(代表)my colleagues and myself I thank you.(behalf) 3.________ ________ ________(只要)you listen to me, Ill help you.(long) 4.How did the terrible accident________ ________(造成)?(come) 5.The school often________ ________(订购)many books and magazines for the teachers to refer to.(subscribe) 答案:1.On the whole 2.On behalf of 3.So/As long e about 5.subscribes to Ⅲ.作文练笔 先将下面几个句子翻译成英语,然后连成一篇小短文。 1.平均起来,每个美国人每年消耗65磅牛肉。 2.牛肉的生产过程放出了大量的二氧化碳。 3.这导致了一系列的环境问题。 4.我们应该反对这种做法。 5.无论如何我们都不能破坏环境。 6.只要我们共同努力,所有的这些问题都会得到解决。 7.否则,我们有可能陷入麻烦中。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案: On average, each American consumes 65-pound beef every year, but quantities of carbon dioxide are given off in producing beef, resulting in a wide range of environmental problems; as a result, we should be opposed


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