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第  PAGE 2 页 共  NUMPAGES 2 页 Lesson 9 Reading skills I. Teaching Aims To grasp the reading skill how to deal with the new words II. Teaching importances How to get the students grasp the skills 如何处理生词一 略过生词 会不会在阅读中略过生词,是区别一个人阅读能力高低的重要标志之一。这样说也许有人不大同意,甚至觉得不可思议,因为他们从未把略过生词看做是一种能力。在他们看来,略过生词似乎谁都会。其实不然。在实际阅读过程中,所谓略过生词并不是简单的将凡是不认识的生词一跳而过就算完事;而是要尽快地判断出哪些生词是可以跳过而不影响阅读理解的,哪些生词是不能轻易跳过,而需要进一步采取别的办法去处理的。 学会略过生词,既不是一件容易的事,但也并不太困难。在这方面,没有一定的规律或公式之类的东西可循,只能根据具体情况具体对待?? 首先,读者应该始终牢记自己的阅读目的,也就是说,他想通过阅读去获得或了解到什么。这样,在遇到一个生词时,就会通过实际情况的分析和判断,马上意识到如果跳过这个生词会不会影响欲要达到的目的。不影响阅读目的的生词,完全可以放心地跳过;使阅读目的受到影响的某些生词,却不可同日而语。有时候,在阅读过程中遇到了一些障碍,表面上似乎和生词有关,而实际上问题出在别处。这时候,遇到什么问题解决什么问题。而对于生词,凡能略过的,还是要大胆地略过。 我国学生最大的问题就是不习惯,或不敢于略过生词,不相信跳过那么多生词还能不影响理解。下列练习的目的,就是要使读者认识到,在平时大量的阅读中,略过生词不仅是可能的,而且是必要的。 【阅读微技能训练】 一、阅读下列各段并尽快回答根据各段内容所提的问题。在回答问题时请不要使用词典! Paper, like many other things that we use today, was first made in China. In Egypt and the West, paper was not very commonly used before the year 1400. The Egyptians wrote on papyrus; Europeans used parchment for many hundreds of years. Parchment was very strong; it was made from the skin of certain young animals. We have learnt some of the most important facts of European history from records that were kept on parchment. 1. Was paper invented before, after or about the year 1400? Who invented it? 2. Was parchment a kind of paper made from the wood of trees? 3. Say whether each of the following statement is true or false. a. Even today the Egyptians and Europeans still don’t know how to use paper. b. Without paper we could have learnt nothing about European history. c. No people used paper before the Chinese. 二、阅读下列不很完整的篇段并回答根据各段内容所提出的问题。文中省略号表示省去原文中的一些词、词组或短语。 If you want to get the most out of the study of a language, you must also read for pleasure: novels, plays, ...and so on. And in reading books …the important thing is to get on with the reading; to … grasp what the writer is going to tell you … as a whole. This is


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