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Unit 3 grammar;Point out the verb, the subject and the object in the following sentences:;When do we use the passive voice?;The plan was supported by those who wished to have more chances to speak English.;被动语态的几种时态;In pairs, change the following sentences into the Passive. Pay attention to the tense.;2. They are moving people out of he houses.;4. They have put out the forest fire.;6. They were decorating the house when the accident happened.;1. have to 2. don’t have to 3. can 4. can’t 5. ought to 6. ought not to ;Must ;;must 与 have to 的区别;I missed the last bus, so I had to walk back home. (客观上必须这样做,不得不做) We must do exercise every day to keep fit. (主观上要这样做) 翻译:我们不得不早早起床,要不就会迟到。 We have to get up early every day, or we will be late for school. ;don’t have to 不必 mustn’t 禁止 You don’t have to go to the meeting. 你没必要参加这个会议。 You mustn’t tell him my secret. 你一定不能把我的秘密告诉他。 ;should VS ought to 应该(advisable) should更常用,一般情况下可通用。 翻译(肯定)地板每天都要清扫。 The floor ought to / should be cleaned every day. (否定)你不应该总是玩电脑。;can vs can’t;Show time;被动语态的几种时态;;;情态动词+ have + done;;;;Look at the first sentence in each group and complete the second sentence with the correct verb forms.;Look at the given sentences and work out the correct verb forms of the other sentences.;2. The theatre is being built in the centre of the city. The money ______________ (collect) for the disabled. 3. The girl was being operated on in the hospital. The house ________________ (paint) white when I was there.;Put the verbs in brackets into the Passive. Use the Present Simple or Past Simple tense.;During this festival, water (2) _________ (splash) everywhere to wash away the old and welcome the new. Buckets of water (3) __________ (carry) around the streets and people attack each other by splashing anyone and everyone. ;Tourists (4) ________ (tell) that they are welcome to join in but they cannot splash citizens, small children and police on



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